3.2.15 - Icon Family VASSAL not found

Thus spake Brent Easton:

Try adding


to the command line, that should stop it checking the extension

Like so:

java -Duser.dir=“$INSTALL_DIR” -Djava.ext.dirs=“” -classpath
“$INSTALL_DIR”/lib/Vengine.jar VASSAL.launch.ModuleManager “$@”

I think the right way to solve this would be to set -Djava.ext.dirs=“”
by default, for the Module Manager, Player, and Editor. Having
java.ext.dirs set to anything at all will never be right for running
VASSAL, so we could head that off by setting it to an empty string


A while off and a fresh look at things and I have finally sorted this bug out.

No need to change any Vassal startup scripts or classpaths.

Fix committed @9234 for Vassal 3.2.17

Thus spake Brent Easton:

A while off and a fresh look at things and I have finally sorted this
bug out.

No need to change any Vassal startup scripts or classpaths.

Fix committed @9234 for Vassal 3.2.17

The fix is in the most recent devopment build, 3.2.17-svn9243, available

