3 questions... but may requires long answers

While i’m trying to advance in my module developement, i’m feeling like walking in a mud pool… each step requires a lot of reading, searching, and finally just one out of three objectives are reached…
… i’m starting thinking that i have the wrong vision Vassal, and i’m trying to do what it was not designed for…

… so, instead of opening a lot of threads, il put here a list of “feature” i’d like to have in my module, askinf if it can be doable, where to look if already done, or how do do it…

1 - I’d like to have TextLabels for a bunch of properties, but this will clutter all the counters… there’s a way to hide some labels indipendently (so i can hide/show only the ones i need)?
I’ve tryed the Invisible trait, but the “stacking” nature of the traits makes that i can hide an inreasing number of labels, but i cannot show the ones at the top of the list if the first one are hidden…
2 - In my game there’s various types of vehicles: bikes, cars, and truck. All theese vehicles have tyres, just in different number/locations. There’s a way to define a Tire prototype (with all his properties) and let each vehicles have any number of them (so, in a bike, i’ll have a Front Tire/Back tire submenus, while in a truck i’ll have FrontLeft, FrontRight, BackEsposedLeft,BackExposedRight,BackInsideLeft and BackInsideRight submenus)?
3 - There’s any module to look at for a sort of “automated combat resolution”, “automated damage assignement”, “automated attack modifiers added to the die roll”… ? :slight_smile:
