Alert when internet connection lost while playing on line

Try this build. Do you get a dialog on a lost connection now?

It’s true that there’s a wide breadth in the quality/usefulness of reporting found in various modules, but I think this far too casually dismisses the utility of the chat window. Some modules are really quite good at telling players what’s going on!

Yes, the chat window is both extremely important and helpful…but also a place where messages can get lost quickly, scrolling away into the ether before being recognized.

(I have never played a game on Vassal where I ignored the chat window.)

We tend to focus on the chat window during game play, mainly when a dice/die roll is required. The other times we are all looking at the main map, which is generally on another screen.

Any reaction to the most recent build? Do you get a dialog indicating that your connection has been lost?

Using VASSAL-3.6.7-SNAPSHOT-235818a-master-windows-x86_64, got the standard messages in chat window. ‘Lost connection to server’ in light grey followed by ‘Disconnected’ in non-bold green (or light green).
Something else also occurred. On losing the connection, via using VPN and move a counter, I reenabled the connection. According to the server window, I was still online. I joined that ‘room’, so there were 2 of me there. Loaded up a new map/game, placed a game piece on it and moved that piece. Connection stayed up - no disconnect.
I then started up a new room, and did all the same stuff. Again no disconnection.
I then closed down Vassal and restarted. That game room was still there with me in it! Opened a new room, joined it, did the usual. Again no disconnection.
Weird that.

If we are going/staying with the standard Disconnected chat window messages, can they at least be BOLD RED with a larger font size. Adding an embellishment like sparkling/blinking text would help also.
Nothing attracts the eyes more than something big, red and flashing.

For clarity, are you saying you did not get a disconnection dialog? Did you download the test build after the post where I said a dialog was added?

It’s not surprising, given how TCP works. You only find out that a TCP connection when writing to it, and nothing is writing to the abandoned connection.

Apologies, I did not get your later post with a newer build. Doing so now.

OK, downloaded & installed. Set up everything, test game, etc & VPN on. Moved a game piece & absolutely nothing untoward happened. I did not lose connection.
That is interesting as every time before (apart from the earlier post), with VPN on and movement of a piece resulted in immediate disconnection.
Nothings works as you expect. I’ll hang around with the server connection open to see what transpires.

And as I minimised this forum window I found this:

So, yes Joel your work is successful. Yay.