Blank Hexmap?/Designer's Doc 3.1?

Hello. I want to make a module for 1815 The Waterloo Campaign by GDW, since there doesn’t seem to be one available for any platform. Though I’ve played a number of modules on Vassal, this would be my first attempt at designing one. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a way to just put a nice blank hexmap with desired numbers of rows and columns on the screen. I would prefer to do it that way, and believe it would be less work, than transferring a map from an already existing module. Is there any way to accomplish this?

In trying to find an answer before posting to this forum, I noticed that there’s a refernce to a Module Designer’s Document, I think listed as 3.1, but I couldn’t find it anywhere on the site, either under Docs or Downloads. I would like a copy anyway, if it’s obtainable, and I would imagine it would have to contain the answer, one way or the other, to the first part of my question.

Thanks for any help with this.

The Designer’s Guide is still in draft format, but free free to download it. The link is here:

You’ll need to be able to read MS Word files.

Since it’s a draft, comments on the guide are gratefully accepted.

In your module, just create a new Board of an appropriate size, set the background colour to White and add a Hex Grid and Hex Grid Numbering.

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On 23/10/2011 at 6:05 PM JulianTheApostate wrote:

Hello. I want to make a module for 1815 The Waterloo Campaign by GDW,
since there doesn’t seem to be one available for any platform. Though
I’ve played a number of modules on Vassal, this would be my first
attempt at designing one. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a way to just
put a nice blank hexmap with desired numbers of rows and columns on the
screen. I would prefer to do it that way, and believe it would be less
work, than transferring a map from an already existing module. Is there
any way to accomplish this?

Brent Easton
University of Western Sydney

Thanks, both for the answer to the specific question and the link to the designer’s document. Hopefully in the not too distant future, I’ll have the 1815 module uploaded to the site.