"Does Not Stack" Problem

I’m seeing a problem with the “Does Not Stack” trait.

I want properties:

  1. Not select the piece “normally”
  2. Band-Select “never”
  3. Move Piece “normally”
  4. Piece can stack “never”

If I use “when alt-key down” or “when shift-key down” to select piece all works as expected. I can select the piece and then right click on the selected piece to get a menu of current traits such as clone and delete. However, if I use “when ctrl-key down” I can select the piece as desired but then when I right click on the selected piece the menu does not appear.

I’d prefer to use the Ctrl key to select the piece because:

  1. You wouldn’t get the “Flare” when selecting the piece as you would if you use “when alt-key down”
  2. You wouldn’t accidentally select multiple pieces as you would if you use“when shift-key down”

So is this a bug or intentionally done for some reason?

I’ve attached a small module to show this with 4 pieces. Three showing the type of key needed to select them and one normal looking game piece.

Link below to a small test game demoing this.

DNS Test Game Module

It’s already been reported, and a fix should be in 3.6.7.