Dynamic Property and Expr Expansion in Keys out of Sync

Imagine 2 traits:
Dynamic Property (sets a Marker “Player” to 1 from 0)
Set Global Property (attempts to access map “Player $Player$ Hand”)
Text Label (displays text of “Player: $Player$”)

Since there is no map called “Player 0 Hand” (only players 1-5), I see the error message pop up saying Vassal is unable to locate that map.

Confirmed that $variable$ is only effective on the next run of traits processing?

EDIT: I think it is expression expansion in “keys” that are delayed to take effect next run. Dynamic Property itself works fine. See the 3rd trait above.

Wrong! As Brent Easton said, traits processing is from bottom (top of traits stack) to top (bottom of traits stack). It’s easy to see why I got the problem in the topic post.

Used to be that I can edit my threads/posts (I think). Can someone delete this thread, or make it as BOGUS?

Thus spake viewofheaven:

Used to be that I can edit my threads/posts (I think). Can someone
delete this thread, or make it as BOGUS?

Are you really unable to edit your posts? You are supposed to be able
to. Please try to verify whether you can. If not, something’s gone
wrong with the forum.


I have found that I can edit posts if I do so shortly after posting them. But, if I come back later to edit something, I no longer have that option. I’m not sure if the cut off is triggered by time, leaving the forum, or if someone has responded to a message that’s been posted.

It should be the standard “edit within 30 minutes of creation”.