GKC to reset a layer on all Counters

I am trying to create a GKC to reset a “pin” layer on all Counters that have been pinned during the turn. I looked at tips and tricks but the screen shots do not match my layer window. Could someone walk me through this? Thanx for any help.

I have a GP named : language

  • Initial value: 0
  • is numeric
  • Minimum value: 0
  • Maximum value: 1

It contains 2 GP Toolbar Buttons, for English/en and French/fr
Both accept the Hotkey : Language (which I’m not sure I use)
-en: Set value Directly to New Value: 0
-fr: Set value Directly to New Value: 1
Each shows a nice flag for English vs French …

Now all my cards have a basic Piece image showing the english version, by default.
And All my cards have a Layer trait made of 2 images.

  • Image 1 is the same as the basic one, AKA the english version.
  • Image 2 is the french version of the card image.
    The Layer has these attributes:
    Always Active / Levels follow expression value? Follow Expression: language Level 1 = 0

So when you click on the english flag, all the images will show their english face … and french if french flag

this is not exactly what you were lookoing for, but that’s a way to use layers

Yes. Thanks. I was able to get it to work using the Gp and a GKC. Appreciate the help