How to set up my development environment for Vassal 3.3.0? is for Java 9’s module feature, these files can be generated by the IDE.

If I tell IntelliJ to generate this file for Vassal, I get the same error in the line that says “requires jl1.0.1;”.

This file is optional though, everything works fine without it.

I didn’t specifically tell IntelliJ to create the file, but it might have decided to do it on its own. I’m coming back to Java coding after some time away. So the “features” of Java modules are new to me.

Redoing the project import, this time in Eclipse which I’m more familiar with, and explicitly declining to generate the file has fixed the problem.

I switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ a couple years ago and never looked back, also my IntelliJ automagically imported the project, found the libs, the src, the tests, set up everything without me having to adjust anything at all.

But all this IDE stuff is boring, what is much more interesting is what I’ve done here, this removes all issues with IDEs and makes it into a proper maven project, with maven managing all dependency paths and code locations. This can potentially also remove the need to use these obscure manual steps and prerequisites to build windows/macosx releases, and allow them to be built on any system in an automated way, including a remote build server e.g. github’s or travis CI.

Waiting what the uhhh " product management" will say about this PR :smiley:

Thus spake Flint1b:

Waiting what the uhhh " product management" will say about this PR :smiley:


I’m looking.

For everyone else: If you’re concerned about the effects this will have,
please TRY THE PR and report back on it.


We now have the so-called “maven wrapper” in the codebase, a local maven installation is not necessary anymore, but it can still be used of course.

The new option is to call “./mvnw” instead of “mvn”, on Windows I assume “mvnw.cmd” instead of “mvn”, e.g.:

./mvnw clean install
./mvnw versions:display-dependency-updates
mvnw.cmd clean install
mvnw.cmd versions:display-dependency-updates

Or is it just “mvnw” on Windows without the .cmd suffix, I am not sure, maybe someone on a Windows computer knows this better than I do.

I have updated the wiki guide under … aven_setup , I would also like to rename the page to just “Eclipse setup” but have no idea how to do this :smiley:

I typed “mvnw” at at my prompt on Windows 10 and it “did something”, so I’d go with that.