Irregular Grid

Upon import of an ADC2 module map to VASSAL, the square identification labels did not translate to VASSAL. In the ADC2 map there are 28,512 20x20 pixel squares. The map is broken down into 44 sea areas, 42 ports, 6 continents, 92 boxes and a border – 184 different labels on 28,512 squares. These labels are the names for the “Primary Terrain Type” in ADC2. This is not terribly difficult in ADC2 because one can label squares that outline the area and then fill the balance of the area automatically.

I know that I can use the manual procedure in VASSAL to identify each of these 28,512 squares, but is there a “fill the area” procedure that would allow me to outline an area and then fill the balance of an irregular grid area without having to label each individual square within that area?

Thus spake cgmclellan:

Upon import of an ADC2 module map to VASSAL, the square identification
labels did not translate to VASSAL. In the ADC2 map there are 28,512
20x20 pixel squares. The map is broken down into 44 sea areas, 42 ports,
6 continents, 92 boxes and a border – 184 different labels on 28,512
squares. These labels are the names for the “Primary Terrain Type” in
ADC2. This is not terribly difficult in ADC2 because one can label
squares that outline the area and then fill the balance of the area

I know that I can use the manual procedure in VASSAL to identify each of
these 28,512 squares, but is there a “fill the area” procedure that
would allow me to outline an area and then fill the balance of an
irregular grid area without having to label each individual square
within that area?

If I were doing this, I’d write a script to generate the labels for me
and add them directly to the buildFile. I don’t know of a simple way to
do this in V3.2 from the Editor.
