Maps not doing what the module sets

Guys, vassal is not conforming to what the module sets. My module is World in Flames. I set up a number of cities for the map that would allow for ‘send to’ commands using decks as the destinations. This totally screwed up my stacking layers (I have facilities, convoy, naval, land, air and action). Using these decks also screwed with the stacking view and stacking expand. So I deleted all these decks from the module and sent the modified module to the players. The ‘new’ module loads the game but the on map decks are still there - even though the module does no longer define them. I reversed these ‘send’to’ elements but retained some that had other uses and overlays to indicate the weather in each zone. These latter elements do not work. The ‘send to’ zone areas are still visible but not active and the weather zone overlays are inactive - but appear as ‘non active graphics’. Updating counters is easy. Why is it so difficult for vassal to update the underlying maps and ‘hotspots’ - hotspots being those ex-deck references and those that should have still active? It has, and will continue to, cost me a shite load of time redressing this situation - loading a new game and then adding in the 6000 odd units to establish the baseline, and then establishing the setup for the most used scenario. Can we please make vassal conform with what the module specifies, NOT what the saved game files says should apply.

Further rant. Playing world in flames, using a single scale map, would be really great if vassal did wrap around. Scrolling from one edge to the next and back again is a total pain the backside.

Thus spake palad0n:

Guys, vassal is not conforming to what the module sets. My module is
World in Flames. I set up a number of cities for the map that would
allow for ‘send to’ commands using decks as the destinations. This
totally screwed up my stacking layers (I have facilities, convoy, naval,
land, air and action). Using these decks also screwed with the stacking
view and stacking expand. So I deleted all these decks from the module
and sent the modified module to the players. The ‘new’ module loads the
game but the on map decks are still there - even though the module does
no longer define them. I reversed these ‘send’to’ elements but retained
some that had other uses and overlays to indicate the weather in each
zone. These latter elements do not work. The ‘send to’ zone areas are
still visible but not active and the weather zone overlays are inactive

  • but appear as ‘non active graphics’. Updating counters is easy. Why is
    it so difficult for vassal to update the underlying maps and ‘hotspots’
  • hotspots being those ex-deck references and those that should have
    still active? It has, and will continue to, cost me a shite load of time
    redressing this situation - loading a new game and then adding in the
    6000 odd units to establish the baseline, and then establishing the
    setup for the most used scenario. Can we please make vassal conform with
    what the module specifies, NOT what the saved game files says should

I’ve long thought that storing piece definitions in the save files was
a poor decision. It’s one we’re going to fix in VASSAL 4. There is no
feasible way to fix it in VASSAL 3, as doing so would break every single
saved game anyone has. Sorry.

Further rant. Playing world in flames, using a single scale map, would
be really great if vassal did wrap around. Scrolling from one edge to
the next and back again is a total pain the backside.

