Mouse over stack viewer for Non-stackable pieces

This may be a silly question but is it possible to have the Mouse over stack viewer display multiple non-stackable pieces that are “stacked” on top of each other?

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Came to the forum looking for this, and all I find is a 10 years old question with no answer. Is it possible? I could not find it?

I am playing a module with many Does Not Stack cards spread out everywhere, and have to zoom out to get a good overview of the game table. It works well, but it would work even better if I could get zoomed in cards when hoovering the mouse to read the fine print. Never occurred to me before that the “hoover to zoom in” was a special thing for stacks and did not apply to all components.

Is it possible somehow to edit the module to get that effect, as a workaround? Zooming in and out with ctrl+scrollwheel would work if it zoomed in to where the mouse pointer is, but it does not and I can’t find a setting for that either.

Sure, it’s probably about a half dozen mouse clicks away.

  1. Right-click name of module in your module library view after launching VASSAL, choose “Edit Module”
  2. Find map window on which you want a mouseover zoom, right-click it, choose “Add Mouse-over Stack Viewer”
  3. Configure it as you see fit–from your description, the key thing will be ticking the box for “Include non-stacking pieces”
  4. Hit OK, save module.
  5. Run module and test it out, iterate on the steps above until you get the amount of zoom you want.

Thank you! I only thought of looking in the (user) Preferences and in the properties for different types of cards. Did not occur to me that it could be a property of the board the cards were placed on. But now it works. It also had a setting for fixed zoom levels and default zoom levels, saving me a few clicks every time I open up this module.

(Or, er, maybe the zoom levels were in a different properties window, but I only found it because I was editing the board.)

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