Send to loaction & Container Node


I restarted my work on a module and just noticed the nice pop-up window if you use the ‘send to location’ trait on a gamepiece (it’s very easy this way to find the correct place to send to). Can this also become included for the ‘send entire deck to another deck’ in the deck properties? Or just include the windowname in the dropdown list? (If you have decks with the same name in different windows, it’s a trial and error to find the correct deck).

I’m working on a game with dozens and dozens of expansions, adding a ‘container’ node in a window to group components (in my case per expansion) would be very usefull.



An update to my first part:
I’ve got a private window ‘bank’ with decks filled with chits at the beginning of the game, and made copies of this window for each player so it’s more easy to keep track for the player which chits he obtained during gameplay. If I move the bank window below the player windows in the editor, player 1 gets all the chits :slight_smile: So Vassal apparently picks the first deck it encounters
