Sorting for Scrollable Lists

I made an entry in my module as follows:

Game Piece Palette → Tokens [Panel] → Player Tokens [Scrollable List]

with individual named player token pieces entered as single pieces in the scrollable list. It works fine. But I noticed that the names displayed in the list are in the order of entry of individual pieces under the [Scrollable List] entry. I’d like to request that there be an option in the [Scrollable List] Properties dialog to be able to sort the pieces alphabetically by name. Other people might want them to be sorted by some other Property but alphabetical sorting by name would be very useful for me.


It would be handy for game piece containers to be able to force an optional sort on their child contents. Especially useful if you break your game into extensions to minimize footprint.

For example (just using LnL admin counters for piece names) if your core module has these pieces in a Scrollable List:

Assault Move
Ops Complete

And your extension adds:

Hit and Run

It would be really nice to have the final scrollable list read as:

Assault Move
Hit and Run
Ops Complete