Tracker ids 3463, 3465 and 3472

Thus spake bobd:

I have committed fixes for the following to bobd-bugfixes3.1

Bug 3472 - Initial value of DynamicProperty is not getting evaluated
SVN revision 7660
This was something I wanted, no one else has asked for it.

I think this is a bug, actually.

Merged to 3.1@7672.


Bug 3479 - ABR: ClassCastException: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.String

7661 was most of the work but I missed something which meant I had to do another commit (7662)

No I don’t think so - but I know what to test when it comes out :slight_smile: . It’s an enhancement Bob wanted like he says, not a bug. Custom mods should rely/worked with the basic behavoior of DP and not expect initial value to evaluate.