Turn tracks for all players, which update overall turn track

I’m brand spanking new Vassal and modifying Vassal, so be gentle.

In Car Wars, there are multiple players during a game.
There are 5 phases during a turn. Right now, we have a tracker that has 5 phases and moves to the next turn when those are completed. As it is now, we have a player who keeps track of when all players are done during a phase, then changes the phase tracker himself. It is less than optimal.

I’d like to make phase trackers for every player, when all players are done with a phase, that moves the Main turn/phase tracker. Can there be triggers that happen so that if 4 people on different turn trackers hit a certain point, it triggers a main tracker.

Also, is there way for only enough turn trackers to load so that the number of turn trackers matches the amount of players?

You can add Global Hotkeys to a Turn tracker that fires off when certain conditions are met. These conditions can include the state Global variables, including turn level variables. With a bit of creative work, you should be able to do what you want.

However, it will be a lot easier to have a big button that someone hits when every one is ready.

No, but I would load the toolbar buttons onto a toolbar menu to keep the extra ones out of the way.

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Yea, actually a button that everyone hits when they are done in phase that would moved the turn tracker is probably simpler and better and way less convoluted.

So, to do this, I would add a “Done” button. This button when pressed bu a player would add to part of a variable on a Global hot key for the turn tracker.

Do you know where I could find an example of this addition? Especially on creating hte variable.
The varaiable would also need to be met by every player pressing the done button. Is there a game mod out there right now I could look at and work from?

Can anyone give me an example of a variable that would fire a global hot key that would move a turn tracker. The variable would be met when all players press a done button.

Add a numeric global property to module level - we will call it “trackercount”, set value to 0 with range 0 to x where is x is number of players required

On Done button, build an action button trigger sequence as follows:

Action Button - CTRL 1
Trigger Action, key command CTRL 1 executes CTRL 2, CTRL 3
Set Global Property (trackercount), 2 keys, CTRL 2 increase value of GP trackercount by 1 & CTRL 5 reset value of GP trackercount to 0
Trigger Action, Property match: trackercount = x, key command CTRL 3 executes CTRL 4, CTRL 5
Global Hotkey, key command CTRL 4 global hotkey command: whatever it is you set for the actual turn tracker

This will work but will present you with a different problem in that the action button is not like a mask trait and player restricted, therefore a single player could click the button 2 or 3 times and mess up the track count when they should only press the done button once. Ideally to prevent this each player should have their own done button same as above making the same GP advance but with the added restricted access trait of player side only

From: MattV messages@forums.vassalengine.org
To: messages@forums.vassalengine.org
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 7:39:52 AM
Subject: [Module Design]Re: Turn tracks for all players, which update overall turn track

Can anyone give me an example of a variable that would fire a global hot key that would move a turn tracker. The variable would be met when all players press a done button.

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