Twillight Imperium Game 1: Is anybody out there?

The Federation finds itself in the unfavorable position of choosing between the desires of two friendly neighbors. No matter how we choose, we will offend and potentially damage one of our allies. If the L1z1X had any possibility of further expansion during the current round, that fact might help to make a decision. However, all of their ships capable of invasion have already been placed within activated systems.

Even more uncomfortably, we find ourselves in the position of tiebreaker. The Emirates and The Mindnet will assuredly vote against this measure, bringing 2 and 1 votes respectively. If both Hacan and Sol vote for the measure, we will also bring 3 votes to the table. In a tie situation, the Speaker, who is currently the Envoy of Sardakk N’Orr, due to the possession of the Initiative strategy card.

At this time, we will sit back and listen to the arguments of the other galactic powers before making any decsions.

I figured out how to change our race cards and did that in this log file. I also completed the Sol->Hacan trade agreement and moved the speaker token to N’Orr.

Ryan, you had initially said that you would be sending the 2 trade agreement to 1X, but you gave it to me. Was that a mistake, or did you change your mind?

I will have something to say about the measure, but I won’t be available until tomorrow night. This may fall out of the 24 hour time window. I have to take my wife in for her follow up dr’s appt tomorrow and there’s no telling how long that’ll take. Sorry for he delay. Also, tomorrow is my birthday, so family time might play a role tomorrow as well

Well, since it is Hacan’s turn next anyways, I guess we will be waiting anyways.

Depending on what “tomorrow night” actually means, I am assuming that you mean Tuesday night. I, for one, will certainly be monitoring the board Tuesday night, so IMO the vote can wait until then, with Hacan’s turn taken directly afterwards.

Sol will be here listening if N’Orr or 1X have anything else to say on the matter.

That’s fine. We are moving here and I feel sick so no worries.

No, I wanted to give 1X the 1 trade and Sol the 2x. I think I did that correctly? Will you accept?

No! I hate having more trade goods! LOL

Of course I will accept (and you did move them according to the above statement). I simply read your intentions differently in the previous posts.

Snick snick…The Sardakk N’Orr does not want this suggestion to be seen as hamstringing the rise of the Haccan and the Mindset. It is rather a method to ensure that growth is equitable amongst ALL the races. It is a short-term measure and would not unduly hamper the activities of anyone, I believe. Snick snick…

The laws you pass are not recognized by the mindnet.

We therefore abstain from your vote

As much as we find the lack of tact from the mindnet unsettling, The Emirates also do not believe that an artificial restraint on our legitimate colonizing of unclaimed worlds, or on our peaceful efforts to open new markets and provide prosperity to those of our galactic citizens who have not yet achieved interstellar travel, will be beneficial to anyone. However, we also recognize the need for a governing authority to moderate peaceful relations among all peoples.

The Hacan will, therefore, exercise our right to participate in the galactic assembly by opposing this measure from the diplomatic floor. We will vote against this measure and we urge our brethren not to put unnecessary strain on our, as of yet tenuous, relationships by enforcing such a lopsided proposal. We mean no disrespect to the Federation of Sol nor to the N’Orr by this stance we must take. Perhaps the honored envoy from the L1Z1X will be more apt to participate in the galactic assembly if they do not perceive us as an ‘other’ but as fellow travelers on the road to mutual galactic prosperity.

Perhaps a more neutral bill can be proposed as a way to foster political relationships in the future.

May your cubs grow strong.

Ooc: I will have access to the game later tonight, probably after midnight EST, I will take my turn and finish distributing trade agreements then.

The Federation has taken time to listen to the arguments of all parties and has analyzed this proposal.

After careful consideration, we find that this proposal may limit our ability to explore neighboring systems. We seek to bring all of our neighboring systems into a membership with the federation as soon as possible so that we may pool our common strength as a way to influence the development of the new galactic order.

Thus, the Federation will vote against this measure.

In case anyone is counting, Sol brings 2 votes. I believe that Hacan brings 2 votes (I don’t think they have exhausted their home system yet).

That is 4 votes against. 1X abstains, leaving only 1 vote outstanding. The measure fails.

Went ahead and took my turn, exhausting my home planets to vote and build a new carrier. I’m not sure if I went out of order but if I did I am sorry.

Begin Turn Hacan

CC-TAP: 2/3/2 - 3/0/0

Tried to figure out how to view public objective card. Failed.
Exhausted Hercant & Kamdorn for Voting
Exhausted Arretze for Resources (2 +1 Sarween Tools) to Build a new Carrier in Home System
Changed Color of Unbuilt Ships in my play area.
End Turn

CC-TAP: 2/3/1 - 3/0/0

How do we Access/View Public Objectives? I think I missed that during setup.

  1. It was your turn
  2. Voting does not exhaust planets, your total vote is the total influence of your unexhausted planets (min 1 vote)
  3. Since you were confused about voting, you have 1 additional resource from Hercant, if you want to build something else

I believe that Ryan figured out how to view the Objectives. I think you need to move it onto the Transfer space and then back off.

Also, I wonder if you placed your space dock where you wanted it. Check the rules on producing from space docks. I imagine that you would prefer the space dock on Arretze.

WAIT! I just watched the log file. You don’t reveal those objectives until the Imperial card is played!!!

It didn’t look like it was peeked at though…just moved and then moved back again.

It looks like I’m next in turn order, correct? Oh, and excellent work on cleaning up the play area, looks a lot more coherent

Yes, you are next.