Update - Thunder at Cassino v2.2

The classic Avalon Hill area-impulse system wargame, Thunder at Cassino, covering the third battle of Monte Cassino in WW2 has been updated to v2.2. Changes include:

* added translation strings for English language, module now in English
* updated and colour-corrected map graphics
* updated and sharpened scenario graphics charts
* added all game scenario OOBs with units ready to play
* made unit palettes visible
* added improved and cohesively-sized UI controls for dr and DR
* re-arranged UI control order
* removed unnecessary image files, .vsav files, PDF and extra files not needed in directory to reduce file size by 33%
* removed Spanish text file of rules (based on legal issues surrounding the embedding of the full rulebook in the module; a PDF of the English rules is widely available for download)
* removed side choice menu (since existing menu didn't respect players being able to control unit markers)
* solitaire friendly
* file size reduction, down more than 33% despite improved graphics and scenarios added (17MB to 12MB)