Who's Playing - add option to sort by popularity/frequency

For the Vassal website homepage - Server Status / Who’s Playing…

It would be helpful if we had the ability to sort either alphabetically (as current) or by popularity.

This would help people determine which of the many games they own/play, they are more likely to find opponents for…

Do you have a suggestions for what to use for that?

My original thought was just to have the simple option to sort either alphabetically or by popularity (# of games played).

A more sophisticated configurable option, would be to be able to create a “custom” list where you can “check” the games you are interested in and only those games display (i.e., ability to toggle between alphabetical, popularity, and custom). Something like this could even be integrated with “find opponent” capability…

Find Opponent Use Case/Example - Breakout Normandy, 2nd ed. Click “Find Opponent” radio button
Provide list of all player handle/email that have played in the last “N” months. A user could then send email to these players (who are both active and clearly interested in the game in question) to see if they are interested in playing…

Sorry, I understood what you were asking for. My question was what to use to implement it.

Sorry, don’t know HTML well enough to make a technical implementation recommendation.