3.1.6 crashes at startup

It used to run fine, now I get this error:

14 Jun 2009 00:40:47.395 0 – Starting
14 Jun 2009 00:40:47.396 0 – OS Windows 7
14 Jun 2009 00:40:47.397 0 – Java version 1.6.0_14
14 Jun 2009 00:40:47.397 0 – VASSAL version 3.1.6
14 Jun 2009 00:40:47.457 0 – Manager
14 Jun 2009 00:40:47.884 0 java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: Could not get shell folder ID list
at sun.awt.shell.Win32ShellFolderManager2$ComInvoker.invoke(Unknown Source)

I’ve attached the complete error log in case that helps.


Thus spake “Happkamp”:

I don’t see the errorLog here. Please try posting it again.


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I’m also having issues with 3.1.6 at startup. I posted a bug report on sourceforge, but figured I should mention it here, too.

When I load any file with 3.1.6, I notice that Java.exe uses up all available memory (>500 MB). It locks up my entire computer. I’m using a clean VASSAL and JRE install on Windows XP.

Could you please go to your Module Manager, select Help → Show Error Log and paste the contents of the Errorlog into the sourceforge bug report.


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On 17/06/2009 at 5:30 PM cartwright wrote:

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There is no error that actually occurs; VASSAL uses up all memory until I’m forced to close it, but it doesn’t throw an actual error. The error log is:

18 Jun 2009 00:51:32.343 0 -- Starting
18 Jun 2009 00:51:32.343 0 -- OS Windows XP
18 Jun 2009 00:51:32.343 0 -- Java version 1.6.0_14
18 Jun 2009 00:51:32.343 0 -- VASSAL version 3.1.6
18 Jun 2009 00:51:32.656 0 -- Manager

The bug report is at sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=de … tid=594231.

What module are you trying to run?

How much RAM do you have?

What Heap size settings are you using for that module?

Strangely, the log does not contain the module startup log entries.


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On 17/06/2009 at 5:58 PM cartwright wrote:

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Any module I try to run gives similar results. I was most recently trying the Guns of August 1.0b11 module on 1GB RAM. The map doesn’t even load properly–java usage jumps to 500-600 MB within 30 seconds. I tried War & Peace as well and had similar problems. I verified with the most recent Blackbeard module. In all three, RAM usage shot up through Java, though the usage was higher with GoA than with the other two.

Are you Opening or Editing the module?

Does this happen when you first try and open the module from the MM, or when you try and start a game?


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I’ve tried both opening and editing, and I experience similar problems with each. It occurs when I try to start a game–there isn’t any problem with opening from the MM. When I open to edit, I’m able to move around on several menus–the problem doesn’t occur right away. It occurs after I’ve been in the file for a minute or two.

After you have opened a module from the Module Manager, but before you try and start a game, please do the following:

  • Post the Error Log from the Module Manager (After you have opened the module).

  • From the Module Controls window, Select File → Preferences. Click on the General Tab. What values are in the ‘JVM initial heap’ and ‘JVM maximum heap’ fields?


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18 Jun 2009 03:27:03.640 0 -- Starting 18 Jun 2009 03:27:03.656 0 -- OS Windows XP 18 Jun 2009 03:27:03.656 0 -- Java version 1.6.0_14 18 Jun 2009 03:27:03.656 0 -- VASSAL version 3.1.6 18 Jun 2009 03:27:04.109 0 -- Manager 18 Jun 2009 03:27:40.953 0 -- Loading module file C:\Program Files\VASSAL-3.1.6\mods\GOAv10b11.vmod 18 Jun 2009 03:27:40.953 0 -- Loading module Guns of August 18 Jun 2009 03:27:40.953 0 C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java -Xms256M -Xmx512M -DVASSAL.id=1 -cp lib\Vengine.jar;Vengine.jar VASSAL.launch.Player 18 Jun 2009 03:27:48.875 1 -- Guns of August version 1.0b11 18 Jun 2009 03:27:48.875 1

Heap is 256/512MB.

Thus spake “cartwright”:

Have you waited to see if the map loads eventually?

Do you have “Prefer memory-mapped images” turned on in your module prefs?


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The map does load eventually, but memory usage stays around 450-500MB until I close out VASSAL. Clicking on any unit takes several seconds.

This evening, I’ll try to start it up and then walk away from it for a few minutes to see if the memory usage ever gets back down to normal. What is the ballpark Java memory usage that you generally associate with VASSAL? Am I correct in thinking this should be on the order of 50-100MB, not 500MB?

I don’t recall if I have “Prefer memory-mapped images” turned on; I haven’t edited any preferences since the clean installation yesterday, so I assume it is the default. When I get back to my computer this evening, I’ll verify.

I have noticed that the problem seems distinctly worse with Guns of August than with other modules, though I have issues with them as well, only to a lesser degree. Is it possible that the problem is with the GoA module, rather than my VASSAL installation?

Thus spake “cartwright”:

What you’re seeing (in what I presume is the Windows task manager?) is the
total amount of memory in use by the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), most of
which is JVM’s heap. The If you were running VASSAL in a profiler, you’d
be able to see how much of that heap space is in use by VASSAL.

E.g., when I load the GoA module, the actual size heap will hit the limit
if I have the maximum heap set to 512MB, but the most that will ever be
in use by VASSAL at any one time is about 350MB while the GoA map is being
loaded. After that, the heap in use will fluctuate between 50MB and 150MB
for me. However, if you’re observing from the outside, you won’t see this.
all you’ll see is that the JVM is using about 512MB itself.

So, the memory usage you’re seeing is not abnormal.

The other things you’re seeing—the load time and lag when clicking on
units—should not happen, and indicate a problem somewhere.


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There is more to it than this.

I helped build the original GoA and it used to run fine in next to no memory.

The main map for the ‘Full’ scenario is now a .gif file, replacing an older .png scan. To get GoA running smoothly, I had to bump up the heap size as far as it would go. Just loading a new game requires about 1200MB wirth a noticeably slow load and display time.

When I take that new .gif file and convert it directly to a .png file and use this in the module, the game now starts instantly with instant scrolling and only uses 180MB!


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On 19/06/2009 at 12:21 AM Joel Uckelman wrote:

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Yes, that works. I replaced the .gif with a .png and the problem appears to have gone away. It works fine in 3.0.17 (the last version I had downloaded) with the .gif map.

EDIT: Correction–when I attempt to edit the module, I still run into problems. E.g., Game Piece Image Definitions–>Game Piece Layouts–>Infantry,AL starts to lag significantly.