3.6.6 and warning messages

If the identity of the module was changed based on extension settings when loaded into the player then it would also prevent users from loading a savegame of a module into a module+extension and vice versa, not just prevent a mismatch online.

Thanks for the input everyone.

Turns out the Checksum handling, like may things in Vassal, is almost completely, but not quite, exactly unlike what you would expect for such a feature.

The checksum for a module will change each time it is saved. The checksum essentially identifies an individual instance of a saved module, regardless of whether or not the ā€˜Vassalā€™ content of the module has changed.

I am going to turn off reporting of any checksum differences, but keep them visible for players who are interested.

The Vassal and module version checking will remain, but with a toned down, less scary message.

I am proposing to make the following changes:

  1. Do not check or report checksum differences. The Base Module checksum and the combined module plus extensions checksum will be reported in the online profile window for players to review each others info, but not mentioned in the dialog warning box or the chat window.

  2. Tone down the wording of the final wording in the dialog box and remove it from the Chat Window. A suggestion I received as ā€˜ADVICE: if players experience unpredictable problems, resolve the mismatches noted above.ā€™

This is the experience type I am trying to convey that maybe you need to soften that message (this is from one of my groups that use vassal all the time):

Is anyone having issues with vassal compatibility? I just tried to play a game and couldnā€™t play because I was using an older version of vassal. Downloaded the new version along with the modules and extensions. My opponent and I were using vassal 3.6.6, CCE module version 2.4, but kept getting the message that our versions were incompatible. Eventually we gave up. Anyone else having this problem?

The terseness of that warning caused them just to not play their game.

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Try VASSAL-3.6.7-SNAPSHOT-14edaf4-VersionCheckingPhase2. Does that behave more in line with what you were looking for?

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Sorry for the late reply, I missed this. I just tried the latest 3.6.7 snapshot with my module in a few matches/mismatches and this works great for me! It only warns on VASSAL/module versions and not mismatched extensions.

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please update the VASSAL page. there is no link to 3.6.7. it still shows 3.6.6 the latestā€¦

Which VASSAL page are you referring to? The front page of vassalengine.org is linking to 3.6.7.

on the frontpage is a button: get VASSAL. iin meantime the download page shows the 3.6.7. id did not when i wrote the post.
btw. the frontpage does not show any version, only the pic and the buttonā€¦