A Bug Placing Overlays in VASL (old method)

The system reported a bug saying it could not upload a Bug Report. I have it in a text file. History has shown these text files to exceed the number of lines allowed here. I can send it to the VASSAL team as well as the VASL Team. I have the latter’s contact e-mail but not VASSAL. I can attach the text file and send it.

What was I doing? I was attempting to place “Sand Dune (SD)” overlays in VASL using the old method. The error opened the dialog box when “Add” was clicked.

That’s going to be a VASL bug. Please report those in the VASL forum.

I’d like to see the errorLog for this reason. Please try to post the errorLog here. If you can’t, then email it to me at uckelman@nomic.net.