A Distant plain

Someone interested in play ADP in real time? I’m at european time, i’m up usually at 21 CET or later.

Anyone up?

I have a rough time with the 24 hour clock. But I think 21 = 9p ECT? If so that is a good time for me Tues, Weds or Fri. I like to play in about 2 hour blocks at most. If any of that works for you let me know and I will read the rules to start game some time next week. Granted you would still be teaching me. I can read rules but often don’t really get them until somebody that know what they are doing runs me through it.

Tuesd and Weds can work for me.

Read the rules, you will learn the mechanichs just playing.

Maybe there’s any youtube video explaining the game.

See you next week!

Were you the guys whose game I was observing on Thursday evening? Do you still want a player?

Hi Kotiro
No Cx and I have not played yet. Maybe we can have another player. I have no problems with another guy playing but Citizenx is already teaching me for this game so it is up to him. Are you an experienced player?

Hi Citizenx
I have sent you a couple of private messages that you have not responded to. Do you want to Play on Tuesday 9p your time. I would like to play for two or three hours Tuesday then continue the following Tuesday if that is all right with you. I have read the rules except the section on non player factions. I will read them again before Tuesday

I know the COIN system from playing Fire In The Lake but not sure how many differences there are in this one. I can sit out if you two only want to play.

Hi Kotiro
There is a good video here from GMT about playing “A Distant Plain”

The rules are at the Game page for A Distant Plain on GMT WEB Site.

I am wondering what is up with Citizenx as he is not responding to either posts or private messages. I see no reason you could not play. But I am wondering if we are playing at all because I Am not hearing form Citizenx. I would like to try this game though I find it very confusing so would need someone who knows what they are doing.