Adding Up/Down arrows to a Map Window?

Can you add up/down arrows to a map window? I have been using magnifier but would like to make window taller.

Thus spake “MikeVassal”:

Have you tried dragging the divider to make the map window taller?


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If I maximise a map window I don’t get the arrows like the default starting map. I have to make the window 3/4 the size of my screen to get arrows, and those arrows won’t cover the whole map.

How about minimize/maximize buttons on the map window?

I thinking everyone is having difficulty understanding what you’re describing.

What arrows are you referring to?

2009/4/25 MikeVassal < (>

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Lets say you add an extra Map Window like France and add toolbar button. I can only make that window the size of my screen. Its not like the default map that you can scroll with.


Thus spake “MikeVassal”:


Now that you’ve solved it, could you please tell us what the problem was?


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My image wan’t big enough. After zooming out I was able to place all my counters in the correct spots. I was hoping for arrows when the tray was at full scale.

On May 14, 2009, at 8:28 PM, MikeVassal wrote:

Normally I would expect the windows to get scroll bars when they get
to big.

Under what circumstances is this not happening? Is it in normal map
windows? Or where are the windows where this is a problem?

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