Any plans to support Multi Touch?

I have built a multi touch table, it is awesome! I wanna play board games on it.

Any plans of supporting multi touch displays?

Thus spake thadrine:

I have built a multi touch table, it is awesome! I wanna play board
games on it.

Any plans of supporting multi touch displays?

Before we can do that, we would need to have a developer with a multi-
touch display. If you’re willing to become a developer, or donate a
multi-touch display to an existing developer, that would expedite this
a great deal.


I am confused? Multi Touch is built directly into Windows 7. A developer would not really help you that much. Most of the tables I have seen are built at home with a projector and an infrared camera, this is how I built mine. There is a couple of different software applications out there that will convert that camera information to multi touch input for windows. All that really needs to be built is the interaction with windows multi touch capabilities.

You can build one yourself with a Wii remote and and a pen light (if you replace the LED with an IR LED) in just a few minutes.

Thus spake thadrine:

I am confused? Multi Touch is built directly into Windows 7. A developer
would not really help you that much. Most of the tables I have seen are
built at home with a projector and an infrared camera, this is how I
built mine. There is a couple of different software applications out
there that will convert that camera information to multi touch input for
windows. All that really needs to be built is the interaction with
windows multi touch capabilities.

I didn’t realize that multi-touch was a capability of Windows 7 and not
just the hardware. Nonetheless, we’d need someone familiar with design
for multi-touch. So, yes, a developer would help us quite a bit.


So what you’re saying is that your current dev isn’t willing or doesn’t have the skills to learn? You’re missing a huge underserved market here and a chance to be on top of it. The only other companies developing games for multitouch surfaces are big guns like for monopoly and such (there’s lots of news about several right now.)

Build a framework off vassal that let’s companies easily adapt multi-touch games, license it, and roll in the money few years from now.

Thus spake willpower101:

So what you’re saying is that your current dev isn’t willing or doesn’t
have the skills to learn?

No. I’m saying neither of those. I said what I meant: We don’t have
anyone presently who’s worked with multi-touch. If someone who has
would volunteer, that would be helpful.


I have just recently gotten back into wargaming after years of being inactive in the genre (children are now old enough to play with and beat daddy). Just this weekend I started thinking about this very topic. I have been familiar (but not active) with VASSAL almost since its beginning and thought I would find a lot of discussion on this topic at this site. I was surprised that a seach on the term “multitouch” did not result in more hits than it did.

I am toying around with coming up with a conceptual design that is centered around a device much like Lenovo’s new Horizon tablet. However, Lenovo’s tablet is a slightly too small and I do not think there is an option to get it with Windows 7 instead of Windows 8 (either OS has builtin multitouch capability). Ideally, the table-top tablet needs to be 32" or larger, have a very wide viewing angle, and have the multitouch capability of course (all players are sitting around the tabletop tablet but there is the possibility that additional people could be playing from a remote location). In addition to the the big tablet screen, each player would have a hand held tablet (probably Android) with app-like functionality interacting with the main tabletop tablet PC that would allow them to “push” their virutal unit counters to a “staging” position on the tabletop screen. Then the player would perform the detailed positioning via touch and drag directly on the large screen. The indivdual tablets would also have other functions such as the ability to read rules, manage player game statistics, and even maybe perform actions on the “in-play” counters via remote desktop type functionality (like stacking counters and loading/unloading units from transport vehicles).

Have you got the developer? I need new touch program for my tablet so can you help me?

Thus spake RickyCampbell:

“uckelman” wrote:

Thus spake thadrine:

I have built a multi touch table, it is awesome! I wanna play board
games on it.

Any plans of supporting multi touch displays?

Before we can do that, we would need to have a developer with a multi-
touch display. If you’re willing to become a developer, or donate a
multi-touch display to an existing developer, that would expedite this
a great deal.


Have you got the developer? I need new touch program for my tablet so
can you help me?

Someone’s donated an Android tablet, so I now have one on which to test.
But it would still be helpful to have someone on board who is familiar
with tablet development.
