Asia Engulfed

Anyone interested in this one?

You’re not up for a game of Europe Engulfed instead by any chance? PBEM, one log file a day?

I’ve got Asia Engulfed but I’m still on the EE learning curve :slight_smile:

I would love to give the game a spin if we are talking about playing realtime.

I have been busy with some projects but near the end of the next week I could start a session.

Mark Beninger

I’m up for either game, newbie level.

I’m also up for Europe Engulfed. I’m still learning the game though, but it’d be fun…

Is there a Vassal module for Asia Engulfed? I did not see one listed.

I would be interested in AE. I would also be interested in EE. I would characterize myself as a non-noob in EE. I have kids so a scheduled time for live play is tough, but doable; PBEM also fine.


Yes there is a module on the GMT site…methinks I will put the link on the Vassal page for more exposure.
