Band of Brothers PBEM

Anyone interested? I own all games but the Pacific theater one.

I am new one here. Got Ghost of Panzers few months ago and played solo a little bit, could remind myself, but I am generally asking - how can you play this ruleset PBEM at all?


It’s easier than you think, in my experience. The active player plays his turn assuming his opponent fails to stop him. The inactive player starts his log while playing back the active player’s log, and he conducts his op fire. Depending on the result, he keeps playing back the log (and potentially resolving more op fire) or stops, ends the log and sends it to the active player if he thinks the active player’s actions would be affected.
This requires good faith, common sense, and a reasonably fast turnaround time. Just let me know if you want to give it a try.
Alternately, we could play short but frequent real-time sessions (say 45 minutes) depending on your timezone. I’m in UTC+1.

I am in Germany, time zone wise…but am currently preparing myself for a trip. I will be on a vacation next week, and I would then contact you when I come back. Anyhow, I need few evenings to go through the rules and remind myself again. If you are willing to accept newbie (especially for this logging system exchange you propose), we can try something. So far I do have experience with Vassal but have not played mp games. You can also send me pm.

Ah…it seems that there are no pm’s here;) Sorry. Or at least I cannot see where :wink:

Click on the person’s icon or name - then the Message button in the popup.

Your messages and replies are accessible from your profile - envelope button:

Yes, that is what I thought, but I am somehow missing that icon. Probably because I am new to the forum. Thanks!

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