Bug: Can't see the OK button on preferences window

When I open the VASSAL preferences window on my laptop I cannot see the OK button at the bottom of the General Tab and the Personal Tab as the window is too big for the screen. Nor can I move the top of the preferences window above the top of my screen. When I resize the preferences window it always shrinks from the bottom up, covering the OK button. I have heard of others having the same problem.

Is there a way to fix this that I am not thinking of? Probably something simple? If not, then this is a bug.

The (only) game I play on VASL is VASSAL and we have added a number of custom preferences to the General tab that have problem made the window too large. I would change this is I could figure out how to add a new Tab to the Preferences window but have had no luck doing so. Is this possible?

Thus spake drimmer:

When I open the VASSAL preferences window on my laptop I cannot see the
OK button at the bottom of the General Tab and the Personal Tab as the
window is too big for the screen. Nor can I move the top of the
preferences window above the top of my screen. When I resize the
preferences window it always shrinks from the bottom up, covering the OK
button. I have heard of others having the same problem.

Is there a way to fix this that I am not thinking of? Probably something
simple? If not, then this is a bug.

3.5 has a dialog overhaul in it. You should find in 3.5.0-beta1 that
large dialogs have internal scroll bars.

The (only) game I play on VASL is VASSAL and we have added a number of
custom preferences to the General tab that have problem made the window
too large. I would change this is I could figure out how to add a new
Tab to the Preferences window but have had no luck doing so. Is this

There are several versions of Prefs.addOption():

public void addOption(Configurer o);
public void addOption(String category, Configurer o);
public void addOption(String category, Configurer o, String prompt);

The one without a category puts everything into the category returned by
Resources.getString(“Prefs.general_tab”), which in English is “General”.

You can put preferences on a different tab by specifying the catgory.


Thanks for this. What I should have asked is “Is it possible to create a new category in preferences (a new tab, say “VASL”), which I could then put a number of the custom VASL preferences into so that users could find them more easily?”

Yes – instead of passing the Resources.getString(“Prefs.general_tab”), pass “VASL” as that parameter.


GameModule.getGameModule().getPrefs().addOption("VASL", MyBooleanConfigurer);

That will add the preference on a “VASL” tab, creating the tab if necessary.


Super. Thanks. I should have just tried to do it! Thought it would only work for existing tabs. Appreciate the reply.