Clean the delayed notes

Hi folks

The question was already asked on the forum in February 2019 by MichaelT but remained unanswered.

The delayed notes is a very useful feature.
We currently playing a Time for Trumpets with friends and we use many delayed notes in the game.
After a few Game turns, the notes accumulate very quickly. We already have more than a hundred.
It would be really handy to be able to delete delayed notes once revealed and their usefulness is finished.
Currently without a delete function a long list of useless notes clutters up the register.
It would be handy if each player could delete their own past delayed notes from time to time.
This would avoid having to scroll down to look for the new delayed notes drowned in the middle of all those already revealed.

Could this option be provided in a future version of Vassal? in 3.6.9 for example.

Many thanks

Jean Philippe

This may be worth considering carefully - pros & cons.

In some games, the information may have ephemeral value (i.e., not important to track long term), while in other games it may be important to keep a permanent record (e.g., decisions that have long-term consequences).

A couple of thoughts:

  1. Allow module designer to choose to allow deletion or not
  2. Allow notes to be flagged as “permanent” (i.e., cannot be deleted) or “temporary” (i.e., can be deleted after bering revealed).

Very good idea. This is indeed an option that could be considered.

Jean phi