Closing a window in macOS with Command+W

In the macOS, one can close an app window with the key combination of Command+W. VASSAL does not acknowledge this key combo. Can it be added?

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Does it close the window only, also exit the app, or something else?

Unfortunately, Command + W is not universally a “close window” operation. In Firefox, it just closes a tab, and in Visual Studio Code it closes the editor. For these 2 apps (and I presume many others), “close window” is Command + Option + W instead.

Now that you mention it, Safari does a Close Tab unless there is only one site open in the window; then it does Close Window. In most apps, I don’t use tabs even though I could. They probably work the same. I will try Command+Option+W in VASSAL.

VASSAL ignores Command+Option+W. I also learned that the key combo actually does Close All Windows, not Close Current Window/Tab.