Could not create Java Virtual Machine

When i try to install VASSAL 3.0 (either launch or manually) I get an error message “Could not create Java virtual machine”
I have the latest version of Java, and Vassal 2.9 runs fine - anyone know what’s wrong?


Are you sure you have the latest Java version? VASSAL 3.0 requires Java 1.5 (aka 5.0), while v2.9 used Java 1.4.


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On Feb 13, 2008, at 12:54 PM, Rodney Kinney wrote:

Which also means that if you are on a Mac, you will have to be running
at least Tiger (10.4) or Leopard (10.5), since earlier OS versions
don’t go beyond Java 1.4.

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ALthough I’ve installed Vassal on a couple of my machines, my son’s brand new laptop has this same problem.

Whether he tries the manual launcher or web launcher, he gets a “Java Virtual Machine Launcher” error box saying:

“Could not create the Java virtual machine”

We’ve gone to the Java site, and they claim all is well with the Java installation via their “tester”.

This is very frustrating as it is seemingly falls between the 2 software suppliers. It seems to be a Java problem, but Java seems to work fine.

I should have stated: the machine is a new Dell running Windows XP.

Open a command window and type ‘java /version’. If that works, then try pasting in the command from the manual installation’s VASSAL.bat file.


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java -version
(not slash/)

Snap - so have I, I wonder ift its a “Dellware” issue?


I have Java 1 6.0-03 installed, which like the above poster “tests” OK on the Jave website. Damned annoying as I can’t play any VASSAL 3+ games.


Thus spake “keithrose”:

Here’s a link to the Windows installer for an almost-beta version of
VASSAL 3.1.0: … indows.exe

Download and install this. If it works, then great, we don’t need to
solve your problem w/r/t 3.0 (though you’ll want to upgrade this to
the released version of 3.1.0 when it comes out). If it doesn’t work,
then we’ll know the problem is your Java installation.

(NB: If the link is dead by the time you try downloading the installer,
check the directory the installer is in for a newer one—it will have
a higher number in the “svnNNNN” part.)


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Big Thanks Uckelman (a Longest Day fan I see) - that works fine. Much appreciated


Thus spake “keithrose”:

Could you tell me, did the installer install a new version of Java for
you? (I’m honestly a bit surprised this worked for you—I was expecting
that you’d have to uninstall your old version of Java first.)

Keep in mind that you might find some bugs in this version, as it hasn’t
gone to beta yet. (If so, please tell us about them.)

I am a TLD fan, yes. I’m also the module designer.


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Hi Uckelman

No reinstallation required, it worked fine with the existing (1.5) Java Install. I’d taken off 1.6 & put on 1.5 as when I got the initial problem as I thought it was maybe the latest Java version. I’ll try it with Java 1.6 soon.
I’ll keep an eye out for any bugs & let you know.

I did have a look at your module - really excellent & obviously a labour of love - nice work! Haven’t played it for years, but I’m sure it will be much appreciated by all the D-Day players out there. The saving in set up times alone will add a few years to their lives :laughing:

Thanks & Regards

Thus spake “keithrose”:

Good! Hooray!

I set up TLD exactly one time prior to deciding that I needed to make
a module for it. That game has the single worst setup method I’ve ever


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I had the “could not create virtual machine” problem as well. Fixed it by changing the -xmx parameter vassal.bat from “-Xmx1G” to “-Xmx512M” (no quotes). I presume this is some kind of memory setting. I’m running XP, the latest official Java release, and I have 2 Gigs of RAM.


Setting the -Xmx ‘too high’ does cause the ‘could not create virtual machine’ error. What ‘too high’ means is dependent on the operating system in use and the amount of RAM on the machine.

Normally on XP, you can run it up to -Xmx1300M


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Tip for install: (i have java italian language then sorry for my translate error)

go to pannel control , search java , in the general tab delete temporary file , view application with the button and delete also here all with an x button.
Now you have a cache clean

Go to vassal engine site and download the vassal.jnlp just right click on “click here” and save it(not open with jws) . Go and open it with a notepad , change into max-heap-size=“512m”/>

now you can start it or go to dos prompt and launch javaws -verbose vassal.jnlp

now you see the download from site (if you have an internet link ;-) )
at the end you see another couldn’t create message , it’s all ok .
Go to pannel control , java and into temporary internet file view… button , you see vassal application , right click on it and create a link to desktop

go to desktop icon and right click , property in order to look at the path.
On my pc it’s
C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaws.exe -offline “C:\Documents and Settings\sax\Dati applicazioni\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\6.0\8\67e73dc8-7cbccd54”

but in yours it wil be different.

Go to this temporary folder and open all file with notepad, there is one that you will change with max-heap-size=“512m”/>
start now with a desktop icon
that’s all
, enjoy