Fields of Fire 101 Live Online VASSAL Sessions

From GMT's newsletter:

"Fields of Fire 101 Live Online Vassal Sessions hosted by Ricky Gray, to teach the Vassal module and the game first-hand via Vassal and Skype (for the first 24 attendees who use Skype).The first two sessions – running 90 minutes each, will be held on the Vassal service on:

Friday, March 27th at 10 PM Eastern Time (US), and
Monday, March 27th, at 10 PM Eastenr Time (US)

These are just the first two of what we intend to be many sessions. Our plan at this point is to run at least a couple sessions per week. We are working on trying to add some other time slots that would be more convenient to our European customers. You’ll need to download the Vassal module and then connect to the Vassal website to join our sessions.

We’ll announce and post all of these, as they are ready, on the GMT Website. Stay tuned there for more details. We hope that you guys will find these new additions helpful to your learning and enjoyment of Fields of Fire."