Finding live opponents

So I’ve been curious - I’ve noticed there are almost always a good number of live games going over the internet - but I’m wondering how people are actually finding other players to just jump into a live game?
Are they arranging a pre-arranged time to get together on a forum somewhere?
Is there a chat room where on a whim they are announcing “I’m looking for a couple of players to play _____ on Vasssal, anybody interested?”
Are they just starting a new game on the network and hoping people will see it and join?

Many people make plans to go online at same time and join up in vassal game room to play.

Thus spake Shadoglare:

So I’ve been curious - I’ve noticed there are almost always a good
number of live games going over the internet - but I’m wondering how
people are actually finding other players to just jump into a live game?
Are they arranging a pre-arranged time to get together on a forum
Is there a chat room where on a whim they are announcing “I’m looking
for a couple of players to play _____ on Vasssal, anybody interested?”
Are they just starting a new game on the network and hoping people will
see it and join?

It’s worth checking the #boardgames and #vassal IRC channels at


I’m up for a live game tonite. Just let me know.

You kinda answered your own questions; yes to all three, however ‘’ doesn’t work very well.

Thus spake PzrLehr:

You kinda answered your own questions; yes to all three, however’ doesn’t work very well.

What problem are you having with freenode? It’s working just fine
for me at the moment.


For wargames, by far the 3 most likely places to find an opponent and arrange for a live game are:

  1. The game’s forum at Boardgamegeek.
  2. The game’s folder at Consimworld
  3. The Facebook VASSAL Wargamer’s group: