Game Info Box -> Series

I see in the FAQ that every game info box has the Series option. It was not used anywhere. Should it be used?

I see for example the games with Topic=Tactical Combat Series, I would think that should be the series, not the topic. Should I go ahead and change all those?

Thus spake bdgza:

I see in the FAQ that every game info box has the Series option. It was
not used anywhere. Should it be used?

It’s not correct that it hasn’t been used anywhere. It just hasn’t been
used everwhere yet: … t_/_Attila

I see for example the games with Topic=Tactical Combat Series, I would
think that should be the series, not the topic. Should I go ahead and
change all those?

Yes, please do.


My confusion came from that:

  1. The Series category page hadn’t been created.
  2. When Series is used, like with your example module, the “Series” category links to a Topic page instead of a Series page.

Topic-> … ory_Series

Edit: changed it to Series now, but it was Topic ;)