Anyone up for a weekly GBACW game using Discord? Wednesday evening, 630 EST until…? Twin Peaks, Death Valley or Into the Woods. I am new, one game under my belt but want to play and learn this game a lot more.


Looks like I have some free nights for the next few weeks. Reply here and we’ll sort out the details.
I have played a few of the scenarios and have most of the system.



Thanks for reaching out.

Two games under my belt now. Both the games were “Race to the Wall” from DV. I have learned a lot but still feel like I have been drinking from a firehose of rules. For my sanity, I think something from the 1862 DV Battle Book would be best for me.

I am free Sunday evening through the rest of this week. Eastern Standard Time as I am in Virginia.

What are your thoughts on what and when?



Glad to meet you as well!

I can do Tuesday evening (after 6 PM EST) or Wednesdays. Friday could work as well.

Let’s work out the details off-list. Drop me an email at : mitch dot lake at gmail dot com


if anyone is interested in PBEM with one of the older GBACW games, please contact me.

If anyone is still interested in this series, email me at
Can get set up on VASSAL PBEM or live.

I have played many times and can help smooth the learning curve.