Getting a card draw sound effect

I’m looking to get a short sound effect to play for ANYTIME a card is drawn in Vassal. Just a second long “shlip” of the well known sound effect of a card being drawn,

I know the way to do this is about uploading a sound effect and setting “triggers” in piece properties so that when certain conditions are met it will do something, but there are so many vaguely worded (to me) trigger options that I could be spending hours and hours trying to hit about the right one. So far I’ve been able to program it to play a sound effect if I press a key, but that’s not what I want. I want an automatic sound that plays with no interaction from me.

The module I’m interested in right now is Nightfighter Ace and I want a short sound effect of a card being drawn anytime I draw from a deck. I think the card properties are listed under Game Piece Prototype.

Anyway if I can get this figured out it would a HUGE help towards understanding the language of Vassal, and would likely mean less annoying questions from me! :smiley:

Did you ever figure out how to do this?