Getting an error message when trying to access module library

When I try to go to modules on the website I’m getting the following error:

MediaWiki internal error.

Original exception: [YWS2h_QONDnRG_0mMUJ7CwAAABM] 2021-10-11 22:11:19: Fatal exception of type “Error”

Exception caught inside exception handler.

Set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; at the bottom of LocalSettings.php to show detailed debugging information.

Same. First time user here. Tried all different browsers, but this error comes up when attempting to access.

I’m looking into the problem now.

Try now. One of the packages on which our theme depends needed to be updated after MediaWiki was earlier this evening.

Yes, that worked for me. thanks.

Getting roughly the same error:

Yes, it’s down following a forum update earlier today. @uckelman is aware and will look at it as soon as he can.

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Thankz for the reply!

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I get the same thing:


MediaWiki internal error.

Original exception: [YZai-6Udb68pYCF9SZXXXQAAAEE] 2021-11-18 19:01:15: Fatal exception of type “Error”

Exception caught inside exception handler.

Set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; at the bottom of LocalSettings.php to show detailed debugging information.

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Try now. Seems to be working again.

Try now. We did some site updates earlier; one of the wiki dependencies required a manual update.

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@Jim_Miller - please would you share the raw format for doing a twisty like you used in your post? I’d like to learn that. :slight_smile:

It’s in the rightmost icon that looks like a gear:

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Thank you, I’d not have guessed that.

I did not know about any twisty thing, but all is good now. Thanks… :upside_down_face: