GTS Operation Mercury (MMP) - Scenario 1 setup issue

I am just starting out with using Vassal and the Operation Mercury module so I may have missed something but I believe there is an issue with the Scenario 1 German scenario card. Stick 2 that lands within 1 hex of 33.14 is missing the 12./III./FJR 2 piece. It is available in the Markers/Units Tab but it has a green stripe rather than pink.

I also want to say what a great job was done on the module - as I get the hang of it, it seems to be better than the physical game itself! :smiley:

Hello LedFoot

Thank you for the praises.
I did not create the GTS modules, the merit goes to Brent for the bulk of the work, but I have taken over most of their maintenance since a year.

There have been many unpublished updates to the module including fixes in the scenario setups.
Anyone wishing to have the latest update of the module, please send me a mail at claudio.ciardelli @
