Hex Centre Calculation differing slightly now??

I’ve found this problem where a stack in a saved set up file is not at the centre of the hex but a pixel displaced so when you drop a new counter on the stack it actually forms a second stack obscuring the first one.

This only seems to occur in hexes at the botton or right hand edge of the map. Has there been a slight change to the calculation of hex centres so it is rounding differently?

Thus spake “george973”:

We haven’t made any change that I know of. In what version did you first
notice this change?


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I’ve found the problem in two modules. One created under 3.1.9 and the other under 3.1.13.

It may be the designers have touched the grids after creating the setup.

Are we using strict floating point to ensure the same result on all machines?

In one module the setup has two counters in the same hex but you can only see the top one until you move it away when the second appears.

you can download the module from here:

mediafire.com/file/zmmm1myz4 … 0_rc1.vmod

The scenario is 5.6

Look at hex E16.35 (about halfway down the map). You’ll see one counter which if moved will reveal another. On max magnification you can see the counter underneath is displaced by a single pixel to the left and down.

There is a more recent Baltic Gap module (rc3 iirc).

Also, the Baltic Gap module has a great deal of custom code in it that modifies what is displayed to support the OCS rules w.r.t. viewing stacks and such. I suggest to talk to the module owner, George Hayward.

I am the module owner George Hayward!!

The scenario was created in the previous version of the module so my new code is irrelevant.

My code doesn’t touch the positioning of stacks, it merely computes the visibility of counters in the stack due to their position in the stack and nearness of enemy units.

Sorry George. Love your work btw. It really makes the game play more like FtF using the hidden stacks.