Hornet Leader II installation down?

I’ve put these updated files on the VASSAL server, and let DVG know. Thanks for solving the problem.

Would you like to fix the JNLP files for the other DVG games as well?

I would certainly not mind giving it a shot. I spoke to Dan yesterday and sent him the jnlp files and he asked the same question. I don’t have a copy of anything else, but if he provides a copy of something to me that doesn’t work, I’d take a look at it.

Fixing these should be mechanical, just a matter of moving the version from the version attribute to the filename, as you did with the HL ones. If you’re going to do this, let me know.


Any developments on fixing the other DVG modules?

Unfortunately DVG hasn’t been that great to work with. I haven’t really received as much as a thank you from them for fixing the Hornet Leader II module. I still offered to do the others but have not heard anything from them regarding the issue.

I don’t have the other modules and I honestly don’t have a lot of motivation to fix their problems at this point.

Hi DrTeeth, well, DVG might not have said anything, but I for one am very grateful that you fixed the module!

I have had many fun hours playing HLII since.



Thus spake DrTeeth:

Any developments on fixing the other DVG modules?

Unfortunately DVG hasn’t been that great to work with. I haven’t really
received as much as a thank you from them for fixing the Hornet Leader
II module. I still offered to do the others but have not heard anything
from them regarding the issue.

I don’t have the other modules and I honestly don’t have a lot of
motivation to fix their problems at this point.

I’d like to point out to the original poster that I’ve asked for
volunteers to help with converting all of the DVG modules to VASSAL
3.1, but have had no replies:
