how is this legal?

im new to this site. but i cant figure out how this is legal. arent you violating the boardgame copyrights?

Thus spake “davedask”:

To state anything definitively, we’d need to know what precisely you’re
asking about, and in what jurisdiction you’re asking about it.

However: There are no copyright issues with VASSAL itself, as the
developers are the copyright holders for all of the code. There are no
copyright issues with modules for games made by companies (such as GMT)
which have given their permission for such things.


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this site has a ton of games like axis and allies and battlelore from some of the big game companies. this site worked out a partnership with milton bradley and all the other game companies?

Thus spake “davedask”:

As I said, many game companies have granted permission to create modules
for the games, within certain bounds. Fantasy Flight Games, the makers of
Battlelore, is one of those companies, so far as I know.


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You will see in many modules the statement “with permission of…”. Further, you should own a copy of the game before using a Vassal module. I don’t know off hand if that is made explicit in Vassal’s terms of use but it was in ADC2.

Vassal is a fantastic piece of freeware. Blessings on those who made it! Nevertheless, I wish the Game companies would get their act together in respect of on-line play. I would prefer if they worked with Vassal but if they start their own website so be it. Gamers need FTF play and often do not have the space to set up games. We could then expect that modules for the games we want to play are published at the same time as paper game.