Image Not Found (on some systems, not others) 3.2.0

I’m having an issue with my recent Mage Knight module: … assal.vmod

On one of my laptops and my desktop, it works fine and looks fine, with no error messages. But on my other laptop (and several other people have said they are having this problem, too), the main map screen background is missing (looks white, but should look black with blueish hex tiles… see the middle of this pic) and the message is coming up for: Bad Data in Module: Image Not Found, and a list of numbers and letters (i.e., no specific indication of what images are supposedly missing). This module is a limited version of the full game module, so I had to remove several parts of it… it’s certainly possible that I made an error there… but why does it work fine on some systems, then? And without specifics to know what the problem is, I don’t know how to fix it.

Any ideas of what’s happening or what to do?

Thus spake dennycrane:

[This message has been edited.]

I’m having an issue with my recent Mage Knight module: … assal.vmod[1]

On one of my laptops and my desktop, it works fine and looks fine, with
no error messages. But on my other laptop (and several other people
have said they are having this problem, too), the main map screen
background is missing (looks white, but should look black with blueish
hex tiles… see the middle of this pic[2]) and the message is coming up
for: Bad Data in Module: Image Not Found, and a list of numbers and
letters (i.e., no specific indication of what images are supposedly
missing). This module is a limited version of the full game module, so
I had to remove several parts of it… it’s certainly possible that I
made an error there… but why does it work fine on some systems, then?
And without specifics to know what the problem is, I don’t know how to
fix it.

Any ideas of what’s happening or what to do?

The error messages you’re seeing are due to map tiles missing from the
tile cache. I’m looking into why this happens with the Mage Knight
module now.


Thus spake Joel Uckelman:

Thus spake dennycrane:

[This message has been edited.]

I’m having an issue with my recent Mage Knight module: … assal.vmod[1]

On one of my laptops and my desktop, it works fine and looks fine, with
no error messages. But on my other laptop (and several other people
have said they are having this problem, too), the main map screen
background is missing (looks white, but should look black with blueish
hex tiles… see the middle of this pic[2]) and the message is coming up
for: Bad Data in Module: Image Not Found, and a list of numbers and
letters (i.e., no specific indication of what images are supposedly
missing). This module is a limited version of the full game module, so
I had to remove several parts of it… it’s certainly possible that I
made an error there… but why does it work fine on some systems, then?
And without specifics to know what the problem is, I don’t know how to
fix it.

Any ideas of what’s happening or what to do?

The error messages you’re seeing are due to map tiles missing from the
tile cache. I’m looking into why this happens with the Mage Knight
module now.

I bet that the machines where it works have case-insensitive
filesystems, while the machines where it fails have case-sensitive

What I see when the tiles are created is that the name of the map image
is “Map_board.jpg”, but when the tiles are requested, the name of the
map image is “Map_board.JPG”. Our DataArchive class puts image filesnames
into a set case-insensitively. This means that “Map_board.JPG” never gets
tiled, because “Map_board.jpg” beats it into the set, and they’re case-
insensitively equal. I’ve noted this as Bug 9595 in the tracker. It will
be fixed in the 3.2.1 release.

The reason you’re seeing this behavior is that you have a file with each
name stored in the module. Remove “Map_board.jpg” from the module and you
should stop having a problem with 3.2.0. (I recommend doing this anyway,
as it seems to be unused.)

Alternatively, you can test the fix, which is in the current development
build, 3.2.1-svn8445:


Okay, thanks. I did that. Hopefully works correctly now.