Issue with Refresh Decks, Delete Decks, and Add Decks

Thanks, that’s working. I tried downloading the other one twice with no luck.

As I suspected, all of the pieces in the Force Pool Decks are being moved to the First Deck in the module of the same name.

I will need to see if there is a Deck in the source map first before going looking for a Deck of the same name on a different Map.

Ok. I really appreciate this. I will leave you at it but I did find a few odd things when I exported the XML of each Major Power Force Pool. But I will not bother you with those right now.

I’ve got a new build to try: VASSAL-3.7.14-SNAPSHOT-558fb33-13505-DeckRefresh


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Ok I ran it here are the results.
Before Refresh


After the Refresj=h


Notice the unit counts are all reset to 0. The only way to get it to reflect the correct total is to remove all the counters from each Deck and add them back in. Then the counts are correct.

Ok, I can see the counts are just referencing the Deck_numPieces properties.

Hmm. That Decks Added count is not correct.

I’m not seeing this when I run the online refresh though. Which Scenario?

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Ok, I see it when you use the Add Decks option, which should not be doing anything at this point I think. It’s adding duplicates of each Deck.

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That explains my earlier test, before you applied the fix, where it duplicated everything and the count was 0. :grinning:

So can the Unit Count total be fixed or do we have to live with it as is ors there something I can change??

I haven’t worked on this. The Unit count will be fixed. It’s it actually broken, It’s failing because there ends up being two of the same Decks in the same place, one of which is empty.

That interim build is broken.

Thanks Brent, greatly appreciate this.