Issue with Refresh Decks, Delete Decks, and Add Decks

I hope I word this correctly as I am not sure of the Vassal terminology in this plus, I am only a few months into learning how to modify an existing Vassal Module so please bear with me.
As the title states, I am having an issue with Refreshing Decks.
This is a World War II game (an existing module, I did not create it). There are Force Pools for each country which comprise several Decks.
An example of a force pool is built from:
Germany FP [Chart Windows Menu]\Germany FP [Map]Germany FP \Map Windows[Map Boards\ then several Decks. Below the [Map] is Germany FP [Map Boards][Board][Multi-zone Grid]\Zone-Highlighters] and Germany FP [Zone]
Under Germany FP [Map Window] are [Stacking Options], [Image Capture Tool], etc.
Then the Decks are comprised of, for example, HQ [Deck] and HQ – Deck Counter Actual – [74,350) [At-Start Stack]

Other countries are built the same way.
I populated all the force pools with the counters from each country. Example: Germany
Later I made some modifications to the Deck, changed some of their locations, changed some parameters, and even a few name changes.
I save the module, open a saved game, then run Tools\Refresh Counters and check the following boxes.
Use Counter names to…
Refresh counter will…
Refresh deck properties…
Delete decks which…
Add decks to…
Then run the tool.
No errors are shown in the Chat window.
Counters that have changed are updated successfully.
However, the force pools are completely messed up.
Germany now looks like this:
Other countries, that had fully populated force pools, now look like this (For example: Italy):
Note: Only the German force pool is messed up, all other countries look identical to the Italian force pool.
Also note: If I do not make any changes at all but run the refresh, I get the same results.
What is happening? Can it be fixed? Remember I did not create this module as I am only modifying it.

I have an idea, but it would help to know the name of the module so I could look at it and test my theory.

The module is not hosted on Vassal. It is the World in Flames Fifth Edition. Hosted at:!1669&parId=root&o=OneUp
I appreciate any help here.

Hey Joel, did you get a chance to look at it yet?

I did not–I was not able to successfully complete the download. However, I was attempting it around the time of last week’s much-publicized Azure woes, and since you have it hosted on OneDrive (a Microsoft service) perhaps that was the issue. I have a busy period coming up with travel and I can’t promise when I could get back to this.

Actually, I did not have it based there, rather the original designer did that. I am only modifying the existing module with his permission.
I understand you are busy and I already appreciate you even responding. Perhaps you could give me an idea of what to look for. Remember I am still a Noob with Vassal so I might need a little more detailed information.
I want to get this updated module out to the creator for a later August release (I have been working on the whole module for almost 6 months now).
Thanks again.

Just guessing here, but it sounds like it might be a permissions issue; are you doing the Refresh Counters after loading a game and choosing a side, and thus, no longer have access to all the pieces? Try making sure you either haven’t started a game within the editor or have “resigned” and taken the <observer> “side” before running Refresh Counters…

There are no sides in the game. It happens with existing games and brand-new games.
It was not started in the editor, it was started by opening an existing game or creating a new game.

What happens if you don’t enable “Use Counter names” in the Refresh Counter options?

Unfortunately the same results, exactly the same.

This isn’t a fix for the bug, but a potential workaround would be to open the original module, export each of those Force Pool maps to XML, then reload your edited version, do the Refresh, then delete the (now messed up) Force Pool maps and re-import them from the XML files. I have no idea if this will actually work.

I am not sure that will work. I have a pretty good understanding on how the Decks (Force Pools) work, and how Vassal saves that information into existing games - something that cannot be modified.

I finally figured out the issue. The original creator named all the Decks for each Major Power’s Force Pool (Decks) the same. All the Decks for HQ were named ‘HQ’. All the Decks for ARM were named ‘ARM’. If I name them ‘HQ, Japan’ and ‘HQ, USRR’, for example - the Refresh decks tool works properly now. OMG, that took a long time to figure out, and will take even longer to rename all the decks and their associated ‘At-Start Stack’ and ‘Deck Count Actual’ entries.
That does fix it for newly created games but not for existing games, there is no way to fix that because all the counters are associated with the Deck’s old name.

That sounds like a bug with the Refresher to me; it should first try to match the deck name on the same map, not just the first deck with a matching name anywhere in the module.

I have opened issue #13505 in the bug tracker.

Could you please confirm if this issue only happens when you select the ‘Refresh Deck Properties’ option? i.e., It refreshes correctly if you don’t select the option to update any Deck properties?

One of the functions of that option is to update the position of the Deck, including moving it to a completely different Map. I think that is the source of the problem.


I haven’t been able to reproduce this. I may need a copy of the old version of the module that shows this happening.


When I use the Refresh Counter tool and select the option ‘Refresh Decks’ properties…, then it happens. If I select only ‘Use counter names…’, I have no issues.

So if you open the module, select “Start a new game offline” then select ‘Select Setup’ then “Any 2 map scenario”. Open the German Force Pool, then go to Tools\Refresh Counter\ and check “Refresh decks’ properties…” then click run. I see all the counters now from all the countries in the German Force Pool and all the other Force Pools empty except for some that do not have Decks like Pilots, Forts, and a few others. I am using version 1.14 but I saw it when it was version 1.12 - I do not know bout any earlier versions as I wasn’t using the Vassal modulethen.
The module is not hosted on Vassal. It is the World in Flames Fifth Edition. Hosted at:!1669&parId=root&o=OneUp

That seems to be corrupted unfortunately.

The Module or the download? I was able to download it again just a few minutes ago and load it into Vassal just fine. I now have it hosted on my Google drive and DM’d the link to you.