just loaded Mac OS Catalina have a problem

This is getting worse and worse.

I have tried to install an older version of Java and it is not loading. Tried to re-install the latest version of Java and same problem.

Vassal 3.3.x brings its own Java, but it seems Java is not working at all on your computer.

Can you try running “java -version” on the command line, for the Java you installed and the one bundled with Vassal?

$ which java
$ java -version
$ cd /path/to/Vassal.app/
$ Contents/MacOS/jre/bin/java -version

Thus spake borat:

This is getting worse and worse.

I have tried to install an older version of Java and it is not loading.
Tried to re-install the latest version of Java and same problem.

The version of Java you have installed isn’t relevant for VASSAL 3.3 on
a Mac, as 3.3. has Java bundled with it. What Java you have installed—
or even if you have Java installed—won’t make any difference.

I don’t uderstand why your screenshots of the terminal look the way they
do. I see the command duplicated above the command command prompt where
the command is being run. That’s weird, and shouldn’t be that way. It
makes me think you running the command some way other than typing it in
at the command prompt, which could be part of the problem.


I’m doing nothing but typing the command and then press Enter.

The only thing I know for sure is that 4-5 days ago I had Java and Vassal working perfectly in my computer, as it has been the case for the last 7 years.

Now, I can not even install either Java or Vassal anymore. When I try to do it the installation process simply gets into a loop but nothing happens.

What are the results of the commands Flint1b suggested?

Nothing significant, as neither Java nor Vassal are installed in my computer anymore and I am unable to re-install them.

Last login: Tue Jun 30 00:49:00 on console

The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.
For more details, please visit support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
MacBook-Pro-de-Jorge:~ jorgeiglesias$ which java
MacBook-Pro-de-Jorge:~ jorgeiglesias$ java -version
java version “14.0.1” 2020-04-14
Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 14.0.1+7)
Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0.1+7, mixed mode, sharing)
MacBook-Pro-de-Jorge:~ jorgeiglesias$ cd /path/to/Vassal.app/
-bash: cd: /path/to/Vassal.app/: No such file or directory
MacBook-Pro-de-Jorge:~ jorgeiglesias$ Contents/MacOS/jre/bin/java -version
-bash: Contents/MacOS/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory
MacBook-Pro-de-Jorge:~ jorgeiglesias$

“/path/to/Vassal.app” is not literally supposed to be that string—it’s supposed to be the path to where you put VASSAL.

As I am repeating over and over, neither Java nor Vassal are now installed in my computer and I cannot install them again.

What difference does it make the path to VASSAL if there is no VASSAL app in my computer?

Thus spake borat:

As I am repeating over and over, neither Java nor Vassal are now
installed in my computer and I cannot install them again.

For one thing, the output you pasted demonstrated that Java is in fact
installed. (There would not have ben output from ‘java -version’

What difference does it make the path to VASSAL if there is no VASSAL
app in my computer?

If you want to troubleshoot further, you do need to have VASSAL


I don’t think the output is saying that Java is installed. Only the Java Runtime Enviroment, but no version of the Java machine seems to be installed and when I try to do it the installer simply goes into a loop.

But I cannot do it!!! The Vassal.dmg package does not work in my computer anymore!!!

Thus spake borat:

I don’t think the output is saying that Java is installed. Only the Java
Runtime Enviroment, but no version of the Java machine seems to be

The virtual machine is a component of the JRE. Unless something very
strange is going on, you could not get that output from ‘java -version’
unless you had Java 14 installed.

If you want to troubleshoot further, you do need to have VASSAL

But I cannot do it!!! The Vassal.dmg package does not work in my
computer anymore!!!

Maybe start over from the beginning.

Download the DMG for VASSAL 3.3.1. Click it and drag the VASSAL icon
to the Applications icon in the window which opens. Does VASSAL show
up under /Applications when you do that?


There is certainly something very wrong going on when both the Java upadte and the VASSAL installer go into a loop and none of the two get installed in my computer.

Done it several times. VASSAL appears as an Application but it does not launch.

And as you can see, when I followed Flint1b suggestion the output that I got was that the file or directory does not exit even when VASSAL shows in my list of applications.

There is certainly something very wrong going on when both the Java upadte and the VASSAL installer go into a loop and none of the two get installed in my computer.

Especially when I had had no problems whatsoever with Java or VASSAL never before!!

Done it several times. VASSAL appears as an Application but it does not launch.

And as you can see, when I followed Flint1b suggestion the output that I got was that the file or directory does not exit even when VASSAL shows in my list of applications.

Thus spake borat:

And as you can see, when I followed Flint1b suggestion the output that I
got was that the file or directory does not exit even when VASSAL shows
in my list of applications.

The path he gave you is an EXAMPLE. It is not the path you are supposed
to type. You are supposed to substitute the path which is the right one
for your machine.

My guess from the screenshot you posted on Monday is that the path
should be /Aplicaciones/VASSAL.app, but I cannot see your computer, so
that’s only a guess.

So you would run in the terminal:

cd /Aplicaciones/VASSAL.app
Contents/MacOS/jre/bin/java -version

Try that and post the output, but first check that this path is the right
one, and adjust it if needed.


Java is installed on your computer.

“which java” showed that it is in your $PATH.

“java -version” shows that the latest version 14.0.1 is installed.

I can assure you, 100%, that Java is installed on your computer. Not just “any” Java, but version 14.0.1 from Oracle. 100%. As sure as the sky is blue.

Change is inevitable in this universe. Sooner or later, everything on your computer will break.

But so far all this is irrelevant for getting Vassal to run.

It appears as an Application, this is a good start.

I do not know the folder layout on your system, I suggested to change to “path/to/vassal/app”, the idea was that you replace that with the proper folder name. I see on your screenshot “Macintosh HD > Aplicaciones > VASSAL.app > Contents > MacOS > VASSSAL.sh”. Let’s play the guessing game then, try one of these, my guess is that one of these four is correct:

cd /Aplicaciones/VASSAL.app
cd /Applications/VASSAL.app
cd ~/Aplicaciones/VASSAL.app
cd ~/Applications/VASSAL.app

Three of them should return a “No such file or directory”, one of them should not return any text, that will be the correct one.

If/once you find the correct one, try these two commands, and tell us what happens:

Contents/MacOS/jre/bin/java -version

Contents/MacOS/jre/bin/java -classpath Contents/Resources/Java/Vengine.jar -Xdock:name=VASSAL -Xdock:icon=Contents/Resources/VASSAL.icns VASSAL.launch.ModuleManager

And if all of these four “cd” commands return a “No such file or directory”, we will have to continue guessing. But try these four first.

This is what I get

Last login: Tue Jun 30 11:52:11 on console

The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.
For more details, please visit support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
MacBook-Pro-de-Jorge:~ jorgeiglesias$ cd /Aplicaciones/VASSAL.app
-bash: cd: /Aplicaciones/VASSAL.app: No such file or directory
MacBook-Pro-de-Jorge:~ jorgeiglesias$ cd /Applications/VASSAL.app
MacBook-Pro-de-Jorge:VASSAL.app jorgeiglesias$ Contents/MacOS/jre/bin/java -version

Contents/MacOS/jre/bin/java -classpath Contents/Resources/Java/Vengine.jar -Xdock:name=VASSAL -Xdock:icon=Contents/Resources/VASSAL.icns VASSAL.launch.ModuleManager

If I’m not wrong the terminal is giving no response to the two commands Flintb1 has kindly suggested.

So we’ve established that /Applications/VASSAL.app exists. (Apparently the Mac Finder shows “Applications” in Spanish, but that doesn’t reflect what the actual paths are?)

What output do you get from this?

cd /Applications/VASSAL.app
ls -R

That was a wild guess, I know from windows that they localize some directory names “in memory” e.g. C:\Users exists on the command line but is called C:\Benutzer in the windows explorer in a german windows.

@Borat: these are different commands, run them one by one, run the command in the first line, press enter, then run the second, press enter, and so on. It appears you have copy&pasted both of them at the same time into the terminal. I will put a “$” before each command so you see where it starts, do not copy the $, copy everything behind it:

$ cd /Applications/VASSAL.app

$ Contents/MacOS/jre/bin/java -version

$ Contents/MacOS/jre/bin/java -classpath Contents/Resources/Java/Vengine.jar -Xdock:name=VASSAL -Xdock:icon=Contents/Resources/VASSAL.icns VASSAL.launch.ModuleManager

These are also two different commands, run one, press enter, then run the other:

$ cd /Applications/VASSAL.app

$ ls -R

@Flint1b: Nope. I’ve run each command separately. No result in both cases.

Find below the output of the ls -R command.

Last login: Tue Jun 30 14:23:31 on ttys000

The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run chsh -s /bin/zsh.
For more details, please visit support.apple.com/kb/HT208050.
MacBook-Pro-de-Jorge:~ jorgeiglesias$ cd /Applications/VASSAL.app
MacBook-Pro-de-Jorge:VASSAL.app jorgeiglesias$ ls -R

Info.plist MacOS PkgInfo Resources

VASSAL.sh jre

bin conf legal lib release

java keytool

logging.properties security
net.properties sound.properties

java.policy java.security policy

README.txt limited unlimited

default_US_export.policy exempt_local.policy

default_US_export.policy default_local.policy

java.base java.naming java.xml
java.datatransfer java.prefs jdk.management
java.desktop java.security.sasl jdk.xml.dom
java.logging java.sql
java.management java.transaction.xa

ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO asm.md public_suffix.md
ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION c-libutl.md unicode.md
LICENSE cldr.md
aes.md icu.md


ADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFO freetype.md lcms.md
ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION giflib.md libpng.md
LICENSE harfbuzz.md mesa3d.md
colorimaging.md jpeg.md xwd.md








ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION dom.md xerces.md
LICENSE jcup.md



classlist libmanagement_ext.dylib
fontconfig.bfc libmlib_image.dylib
fontconfig.properties.src libnet.dylib
jrt-fs.jar libnio.dylib
jspawnhelper libosx.dylib
jvm.cfg libosxapp.dylib
libawt.dylib libosxsecurity.dylib
libawt_lwawt.dylib libosxui.dylib
libfontmanager.dylib libprefs.dylib
libfreetype.dylib libsplashscreen.dylib
libjava.dylib libverify.dylib
libjavajpeg.dylib libzip.dylib
libjawt.dylib modules
libjimage.dylib psfont.properties.ja
libjli.dylib psfontj2d.properties
libjsig.dylib security
libjsound.dylib server
liblcms.dylib tzdb.dat

blacklisted.certs default.policy
cacerts public_suffix_list.dat

libjsig.dylib libjvm.dylib

Java VASSAL.icns doc

TimingFramework-1.0.jar batik-xml-1.13.jar
Vengine.jar commons-codec-1.13.jar
batik-anim-1.13.jar commons-compiler-3.0.6.jar
batik-awt-util-1.13.jar commons-io-2.6.jar
batik-bridge-1.13.jar commons-lang3-3.9.jar
batik-codec-1.13.jar janino-3.0.6.jar
batik-constants-1.13.jar java-getopt-1.0.13.jar
batik-css-1.13.jar jl1.0.1.jar
batik-dom-1.13.jar licenses
batik-ext-1.13.jar logback-classic-1.2.3.jar
batik-extension-1.13.jar logback-core-1.2.3.jar
batik-gui-util-1.13.jar miglayout-core-4.2.jar
batik-gvt-1.13.jar miglayout-swing-4.2ju.jar
batik-i18n-1.13.jar slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar
batik-parser-1.13.jar smack.jar
batik-script-1.13.jar smackx-debug.jar
batik-svg-dom-1.13.jar smackx.jar
batik-svggen-1.13.jar swingx-all-1.6.5-1.jar
batik-swing-1.13.jar wizard.jar
batik-transcoder-1.13.jar xml-apis-ext-1.3.04.jar
batik-util-1.13.jar xmlgraphics-commons-2.4.jar

BeanShell-2.0b4 jLayer-1.0.1 sun-icons
batik-1.13 java-getopt-1.0.13 swingx-1.6.5-1
commons-codec-1.6 logback-1.2.3 tango
commons-io-2.6 slf4j-1.7.30 wizard-0.998.1
commons-lang3-3.9 smack-3.0.4

License.txt README.txt

LICENSE README.xml-apis-ext-1.3.04.txt













CHANGES ReferenceManual userguide
LICENSE images versionHistory.html
README tour.log
README.html tour.mod

ActionButton.htm MovementTrail.htm
AreaOfEffect.htm MultiActionButton.htm
BasicPiece.htm NonRectangular.htm
Board.htm NonStacking.htm
CalculatedProperty.htm PieceWindow.htm
ChartWindow.htm Pivot.htm
Deck.htm PlaySound.htm
DeckGlobalKeyCommand.htm PlayerHand.htm
DoActionButton.htm PrivateWindow.htm
DynamicProperty.htm Properties.htm
Expression.htm PropertyMarker.htm
ExpressionBuilder.htm PropertyMatchExpression.htm
Extension.htm PropertySheet.htm
GameModule.htm Prototypes.htm
GamePiece.htm RectangularGrid.htm
GamePieceImage.htm Replace.htm
GamePieceImageDefinitions.htm ReportChanges.htm
GamePieceLayers.htm RestrictCommands.htm
GamePieceLayouts.htm RestrictedAccess.htm
GlobalHotKey.htm ReturnToDeck.htm
GlobalKeyCommand.htm Rotate.htm
GlobalOptions.htm SavedGameUpdater.htm
GlobalProperties.htm SendToLocation.htm
GridNumbering.htm SetGlobalProperty.htm
HelpMenu.htm SetupStack.htm
HexGrid.htm SpecialDiceButton.htm
Hideable.htm Spreadsheet.htm
Inventory.htm SubMenu.htm
IrregularGrid.htm ToolbarMenu.htm
Label.htm Translate.htm
Layer.htm Translations.htm
Map.htm TriggerAction.htm
MarkMoved.htm TurnTracker.htm
Marker.htm UsePrototype.htm
Mask.htm ZonedGrid.htm
MassPieceLoader.htm images
MessageFormat.htm index.htm

AboutScreen.png PredefinedSetup1.png
ActionButton.png PredefinedSetup2.png
AreaOfEffect.png PrivateMap.png
AreaOfEffectSample1.png PropertyMarker.png
AreaOfEffectSample2.png PropertyMatchExpression.png
AtStartStack.png PropertyMatchExpression2.png
BasicPiece.png PropertySheet.png
Board.png PrototypeDefinition.png
Board2.png RandomTextButton.png
BoardPicker.png RectangularGrid.png
CalculatedProperty.png Replace.png
CalculatedProperty2.png ReportChanges.png
ChangePropertyButton.png ReportChanges2.png
Chart.png ReportFormat.png
ChartMap.png RestrictCommands.png
ChartWindow.png RestrictedAccess.png
Clone.png ReturnToDeck.png
CounterDetailViewer.png ReturnToDeck2.png
CounterGlobalKeyCommand.png Rotate.png
Deck.png Rotate2.png
DeckGlobalKeyCommand.png SavedGameUpdater.png
Delete.png SelectionHighlighter.png
DiceButton.png SendToLocationA.png
DoActionButton.png SendToLocationG.png
DynamicProperty.png SendToLocationL.png
Expression.png SendToLocationR.png
ExpressionBuilder.png SendToLocationZ.png
ExpressionBuilder2.png SetGlobalProperty.png
FontStyle.png ShapeItem.png
GameModule.png ShapeItemInstance.png
GamePiece.png SimpleExpression1.png
GamePieceImageDefinitions.png SimpleExpression2.png
GamePieceLayerControl.png SimpleExpression3.png
GamePieceLayers.png SpecialDiceButton.png
GlobalHotkey.png SpecialDie.png
GlobalKeyCommand.png SpecialDieFace.png
GlobalOptions.png Spreadsheet.png
GlobalProperty.png Spreadsheet2.png
GridNumbering.png StackingOptions.png
GridNumbering2.png StartupGlobalKeyCommand.png
HelpFile.png SubMenu.png
HexGrid.png ToolbarMenu.png
HidePieces.png Translate.png
Hideable.png TranslateModule.png
HtmlChart.png TranslateVassal.png
HtmlHelpFile.png TriggerAction.png
ImageCapture.png TriggerAction2.png
InternetDiceButton.png TriggerAction3.png
Inventory.png TriggerAction4.png
InventoryWindow.png TurnTracker.png
IrregularGrid.png TurnTrackerCounter.png
LOS_Thread.png TurnTrackerGlobalHotkey.png
Label.png TurnTrackerList.png
LastMoveHighlighter.png TurnTrackerTurnWindow.gif
Layer.png Tutorial.png
Layer2.png UseGridLocation.png
Map.png UsePrototype.png
MapShading.png Zone.png
MarkMoved.png ZoneHighlighter.png
Marker.png Zoomer.png
Mask.png calculator.png
MassPieceLoader-2.png configuration_window.png
MassPieceLoader-3.png createInstaller.png
MassPieceLoader.png imagedefn.png
ModuleUpdater.png imageitem.png
MovementTrail.png imagelayout.png
MultiActionButton.png imagelayoutbuttons.png
NamedColor.png imagelayoutitems.png
NonRectangular.png imagelayouttext1.png
NonStacking.png imagelayouttextbox.png
NotesWindow.png imagelayoutvisualizer.png
NotesWindow2.png property_sheet_map.png
OverviewWindow.png propertysheet-edit2.png
PanelWidget.png propertysheet-edit4.png
PanelWidget2.png propertysheet-edit5.png
PieceRecenterer.png propertysheet-fieldtypes.png
PieceWindow.png symbolinstance.png
Pivot.png symbolitem.png
PlaySound.png textboxinstance.png
PlayerHand.png textinstance.png

ConsoleWindow.png Splash.png TakeTheTour.png
LibraryWindow.png StepForward.png connect.gif

userguide.doc userguide.pdf
MacBook-Pro-de-Jorge:VASSAL.app jorgeiglesias$

Thus spake borat:

Find below the output of the ls -R command.

Great. What that did was list everything in /Applications/VASSAL.app
and all its subdirectories. The output shows that the contents of
the bundle are there, as expected. That’s some progress.

What’s the output when you do

cd /Applications/VASSAL.app
ls -l Contents/MacOS/jre/bin/java

