Mage Wars anyone?

I would play Mage Wars.

I have played before, but might need a little refreshing.

What time do you have available? Weekends are best.


Hey… we played once before. Do you want a game again?


I would be up for a live vassal with Skype game of Mage Wars if someone is interested.

I have the game. I’m new to Mage Wars though I’ve played magic in the past.

I’m a veteran vassal player and would be willing to teach folks how to use vassal having used vassal for many years for wargames.

I’m a newbie to Mage Wars Arena but have read the rules and have the game. Would you be interested in doing a game? Also, if you’ve played Mage War Arena on Octgn, would be interested in getting your impression about which app is better.

I do not own a cell phones so cannot respond.

I would play mage wars on Vassal. I have played it a couple of times. I am not an expert but understand the game.

Let me know if you want to play. Weekends are best for me.

Anyone want to play?

I would be up for a game. I own the game but have not played it before. I have played lots of vassal/Skype games and I’m familiar with Octgn.

I’d like to play, but on OCTGN instead because the VASSAL module for Mage Wars is quite a bit out of date. I’ve only played a single full game in person, and most of an Apprentice mode game on VASSAL, so I’m really newbish… But that’s mostly because finding other players for Mage Wars is quite a bit more difficult than I’d like. On every other forum I’ve looked, the most recent LFP post was at least 5 months ago.