Minor errors in auto-generated "Quick Start" guide

While trying to trouble-shoot a different problem, I happened to open and read the “Quick Start” guide in a test module I created, and noticed there are a couple of minor errors:

  • Under “Starting a Game”, the last sentence spells “restored” as “resotred”.
  • Under “Modifying Pieces”, the second sentence says “Each command has a keyboard shortcut.” This is not true; each command might have a keyboard shortcut, but it’s not mandatory.

I can’t find either of these in the current docs. Do they still exist? We had a big rewrite of many of the docs in the last year, so maybe this all got superseded?

Still there, and very easy to reproduce (using 3.5.5):

  1. Create a new module.
  2. Go to Help/Quick Start.
  3. Profit!!! Err, actually, see “resotred” in the last sentence under Starting a Game, and “Each command has a keyboard shortcut.” as the 2nd sentence of Modifying Pieces.

Fixed in PR 888: github.com/vassalengine/vassal/pull/888

Thanks for the bug report.