module does not reappear in library after reopening Vassal

I just started using windows 8 on a PC. I have also upgraded from Vassal 3.2.6 to 3.2.7.

My problem involves a single game module (by a friend - not listed on the Vassal site but he has submitted it) for Guns of August.

When I add the GoA module to the Vassal library, it shows up on the list after I close the game. When I exit from Vassal, and then restart Vassal, that particular game mod is missing. I have another very similar mod for the same game (v21 rather than v22) that does stay in the library when I add it. I have tried running vassal as administrator, I reinstalled vassal, I have tried several times to add the v22 game mod, I have added with and without the v21 version in the library, I have made log and save files with the v22 mod before closing Vassal and restarting, and I did a custom install of Vassal and chose a different folder than the default one in the program folder. I also tried compatibility mode with Windows XP Service pack 3 (recommended) and with Windows 7. According to the designer of the GoA mod, the only difference between the two mods (v21 and v22) was changing a single counter in the game.

I had been using both mods extensively on another computer with Windows 7, and using Vassal 3.2.6, with no problems at all. I have also added five other modules successfully on the new computer, including four versions of Rise and Decline of the Third Reich, and VSQL 4.2.0.

Additional information

Model: Asus Sonic Master s550c series laptop
OS: Windows 8
Javaj: Java 1.7.0_25
CPU: INtel Core i7 - 3537U, 2.00 Hz
Memory: 8 GB
Video Card GE Force 635M 2GB
Vassal: 3.2.7
Module: Guns of August 1.0b22


Last night I opened the Squad Leader module and saved a game, then I exited Vassal. Today when I open Vassal, the library is completely empty, whereas there were six mods in the library last night. Three of which I had used, and three which I hadn’t yet used, except I opened them in order to instal them.

Any suggestions?

I’m having the same problem with the latest versions of VASSAL (3.2.7) and Combat Commander: Europe (2013-07-01).

I created a module using the latest vassal program and it works fine when I open the module, but when I close vassal and then open it later, the module is no longer in the vassal library (I have to open it again).

Today I installed a new version of VASSAL and re-added my library back. Well, after I restarted the program, almost my entire library was gone, with the exception of few modules which come first alphabetical. I readded modules, but they were gone again after restart. Gonna try and reinstall VASSAL again.

Oh. Now the whole library is gone. Great.

I have the same problem, I use a module, close vassal and later when I open vassal my library is empty, except for the vassal tour. help would be much appreciated.

At a minimum, everyone reporting this problem is going to have to supply some details, or it will be impossible to help you.

What version of VASSAL do you have installed? What version of Java? What’s your operating system? Can you post the entire contents of your error log?

It sounds like something is preventing your Preferences file from being writeable, so a new one is being created each time.

There was no error file or error message. The game modules simply were not in the library after reopening Vassal. I did give all of the information I had in my earlier posts in this thread.

I fixed the problem by changing the permissions in the APPDAT folder for Vassal. The only difference between my Vassal performance with my new computer versus my old computer now is that I cannot just click on my saved log files anymore and have Vassal open and use the appropriate module anymore. Each time I need to open the game from the Vassal library, and select “load a saved game”. No big deal, but definitely less convenient.

Hello Fangodango

Where is the AppDat located and what did you change to make the module remain in the vassal library. I’ve looked for the AppDat folder/file but could not find it.


Thus spake JoelCFC25:

At a minimum, everyone reporting this problem is going to have to supply
some details, or it will be impossible to help you.

I’d hoped that people having this problem would have replied by now
with more details about their systems. The developers can’t reproduce
this problem, so if we don’t get more information from the people
having it, the problem will never be solved.

We need to know OS and Java version, and see the errorLog contents
from everyone having this problem.

It sounds like something is preventing your Preferences file from being
writeable, so a new one is being created each time.

I concur, it’s almost certainly this, but why this would be so is
mysterious to me.


Thus spake fangotango:

I fixed the problem by changing the permissions in the APPDAT folder for

Do you mean %APPDATA%? What is the path that %APPDATA% expands to for
you? What were the permissions before you changed them? and after?

The only difference between my Vassal performance with my new
computer versus my old computer now is that I cannot just click on my
saved log files anymore and have Vassal open and use the appropriate
module anymore. Each time I need to open the game from the Vassal
library, and select “load a saved game”. No big deal, but definitely
less convenient.

This sounds like your file associations are screwed up. Those are
supposed to be set when you install VASSAL.


I am using Windows 8. On my system, the path to the Vassal folder where I changed the permissions is C > Users > Owner > AppData > Roaming > Vassal

I actually went overboard probably, and changed both permissions (to everyone) and sharing of the Vassal folder. I may have changed permissions for the Roaming and AppData folders as well, without seeing if the Vassal changes alone were enough. Bit of a bull in a china shop.

I’m having a similar problem on my Mac. I open modules in Vassal 3.2.7 later they’ll disappear when I reopen it.

OS X 10.8.4
Intel 2.7 Ghz Core i7
8GB Ram
Java 1.6.0_51 (Apple release) I tried using the Oracle release it didn’t make a difference.

Thus spake marksyr:

I’m having a similar problem on my Mac. I open modules in Vassal 3.2.7
later they’ll disappear when I reopen it.

Is this reliably reproducible for you?

What’s the newest verison of VASSAL with which you don’t have this


Thus spake Joel Uckelman:

Thus spake marksyr:

I’m having a similar problem on my Mac. I open modules in Vassal 3.2.7
later they’ll disappear when I reopen it.

Is this reliably reproducible for you?

What’s the newest verison of VASSAL with which you don’t have this

Also: Are you seeing any error messages, or is it failing silently for


I didn’t think to try an older version. I’ll download an older version and try that.

I’m newbie… as in I’ve never used Vassal prior to this week.

Thus spake marksyr:

I didn’t think to try an older version. I’ll download an older version
and try that.

The release archive is here:


3.2.6 seems to be working… Thanks!!!

I wasn’t seeing any error messages at all. Just a blank area where my modules should be.

I am having the exact same problem. OS is Windows Vista 64-bit, Vassal 3.2.7, latest java update. Never had any problems before. Entire module library has suddenlly disappeared. Please let me know what additional information you need and I will try to supply it.