Module keeps tiling

I want to add scenarios to the Old School Tactical V1 (on vassal mods). When I do this, tiling occurs whenever I open the updated mod.
I save the scenario on 3.2.17, but the module was created on 3.2.15. I tried the update procedure, but no luck there. I’ve read the forums and tried all the cache delete tricks with no joy. I’m a new “editor” for sure, but this is just baffling to me.

Model: Dell XPS Tower
OS: Windows 10
CPU: Intel(R) Core(T) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.4GHz
Memory: 8GB
Video: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
Vassal: 3.2.17
Java: 1.8.0_251-b08
Module: OST Eastern Front 1941-42
-Bring up modules
-Choose Map 1
-Save the game
-Close the module
-Edit the module
-Add the .vsav and save it
-Close the editor
-Run the module once for tiling, loading the saved game.
-Exit the module
-Load the module again (it tils again)

First 10 log lines:
2020-06-12 14:40:54,946 [0-main] INFO VASSAL.launch.StartUp - Starting
2020-06-12 14:40:54,951 [0-main] INFO VASSAL.launch.StartUp - OS Windows 10 10.0
2020-06-12 14:40:54,951 [0-main] INFO VASSAL.launch.StartUp - Java version 1.8.0_251
2020-06-12 14:40:54,951 [0-main] INFO VASSAL.launch.StartUp - VASSAL version 3.2.17
2020-06-12 14:40:55,028 [0-AWT-EventQueue-0] INFO VASSAL.launch.ModuleManager - Manager
2020-06-12 14:41:12,206 [0-SwingWorker-pool-39040054-thread-1] INFO VASSAL.launch.AbstractLaunchAction - Loading module file P:\WarGaming\VASSAL-Modules\ZipFiles\OST_EF_41_42_v1.01.vmod
2020-06-12 14:41:12,351 [0-SwingWorker-pool-39040054-thread-1] INFO - launching C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_251\bin\java -classpath lib\Vengine.jar -Xmx493M -Duser.home=C:\Users\rtwit -DVASSAL.port=62656 P:\WarGaming\VASSAL-Modules\ZipFiles\OST_EF_41_42_v1.01.vmod C:\Users\rtwit\AppData\Roaming\VASSAL\tiles\b7ad070202b90fe898b3fb2cdfb87c72425ccf61 256 256
2020-06-12 14:41:12,816 [2-main] INFO - Starting
2020-06-12 14:41:12,896 [2-main] INFO - Tiling images/German Data Card Back.png
2020-06-12 14:41:13,018 [2-main] INFO - Tiling images/Luck Card Back.png

This happens when the Date Time Modified (DTM) stamps on the files in the module get set to 0.

I have this happen to me every now and then and I have never been able to put my finger on what causes it.

The only solution I have been able to find (on Win 10) is to extract all the files from the module, use a 3rd party tool to set the DTM to something (e.g. today) and then zip the module back up. It should do one more tile the next time you open it, then be fixed.

Thus spake Brent Easton:

This happens when the Date Time Modified (DTM) stamps on the files in
the module get set to 0.

I had forgotten about the cause of this. Yes, that’s the cause if you
have a module which tiles every time you open it. The reason an mtime of
0 triggers tiling is that the tiler checks if the image to be tiled is
newer than any tiles produced from it—but there’s specifically a check
if the mtime is 0, which tells the tiler to retile also. The reason for
doing that was that otherwise we’d have images with an mtime of 0 that
got replaced, but would never retile.

I have this happen to me every now and then and I have never been able
to put my finger on what causes it.

I have no idea why we end up with mtimes of 0 for some files. I think our
code ensures that the mtime for any file added to the module is carried
through, so I’m not sure it’s even our fault. Feel free to prove me wrong,
