I would really like the move trail trait to have an active true/false property I can use. ATM a GKC takes a LOT of time to reset any counter with the trail trait active because I cannot target the specific counters.
Similar to the Area of Effect <trait_name>_Active capability.
Is there something inherently wrong with this request?
I don’t see any obstacle to adding such a property, only that someone would need to work on it for that to happen.
I’m trying not to respond to feature requests that I know I won’t work on, as it will become tedious seeing me repeat each time that I’m not working on new features for V3 at this point.
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Thank you for your response Joel. I believe that every trait should have at least 1 accessible property.
Hi Palad0n, pardon me for butting in…
Are you sure that you really need to access such a property? I can’t think of a use case which would require it. What is the intended behavior that you are trying to accomplish?
You say you need to “reset” a counter which has the “trail trait active”, which I assume means a piece which is currently set to show movement trails (i.e. - Movement trail functionality set to ON).
What do you mean to “reset” the counter? Is your intent to toggle the piece’s “trail trait” to “inactive” (i.e. - OFF) by sending the Key command (defined in the Movement Trail trait)? If so, then it would be simpler to instead implement the TURN OFF Key Command and send that command to all game pieces.
Jim Hunter.
Answer, YES. A GKC needs specific attributes/properties to be more efficient. Using the turn off command via a GKC means it searches EVERY counter within the larger selection - main maps, other maps that can be used, inter alia. The AoE and move trail traits originally had nothing more than toggle off/on. One (AoE) was changed to include a property AoE active. The other (move trail) was changed to include turn off/on/reset. How useless is that? My module is World in Flames. The main map display can have many hundreds of counters. I cannot rely on players that turn on move trail actually then turning that trait off. I NEED a trait property to minimize the time required to turn off this trait.
In the interim, I’ve added a GKCX button to do that function - a manual function.