Multiple New “Vae Victis” Modules

Several new Vassal modules, based on games published by Vae Victis, are now available for download:

1631 Un Empire en Flammes
L’Eté des Boxers
Montenotte 1796
Les guerres du Roi Soleil 1667-1713

It’s helpful to provide links to the modules.

I can’t find the links on the Vae Victus site. By the way, I agree with a reviewer on Grognards who said the game was a brilliant idea that lacked development.

I’m not asking for links to the modules on Vae Victus’ site. I’m asking for links to the modules on our site.

1631 Un Empire en Flammes
L’Eté des Boxers
Montenotte 1796
Les Guerres du Roi Soleil 1667-1713

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